One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 934

Du Jiayan narrated the whole story in detail.

It turns out that after the student union that day, the things Du Jiayan and Huang Lili did obviously offended mu Yazhe.

He didn't say it on the face, because in his eyes, such a small person as Du Jiayan and Huang Lili is not worth his questioning!

For example, if a mad dog barks at you, can you bite it back?

Just don't say it on the face, doesn't mean it's over!

However, what they said and did annoyed him!

Since he is not happy, he must do something and make them unhappy!

He is such a character, clear face, motionless, behind a finger, it will be enough to the Du family's base business three or two times run flat!

I don't know what method was used by mu Yazhe. After that day, several projects originally contracted by Du family and Mu family were cancelled.

Cooperation, there are black and white articles. This matter belongs to Mu Jia's breach of contract. Du Jiada can sue the door with the contract.

But, ha ha Dare he!?

Mu's strong background is enough to cover the sky with one hand in the capital city. Where can he tell?

Whether it's Baidao, officialdom, or even the Supreme Court, there are admirers.

Mu family is a grand breach of contract. Do you dare to sue Du Boxiong for slapping people in the face?

I dare not fart.

Cancel, then cancel! He has other projects on hand.

Although it is said that several cases with Mu's cooperation are rich in oil and water, since his son offends others, even if he is unwilling to do so, Du Boxiong can only smash his teeth and swallow blood, which is your admission!

Otherwise, what can I do to oppose the Mu family?

However, Du did not expect that it would be so simple.

Since he is determined to do something, he won't give up if he doesn't force people to a dead end!

The next day came the news that the boss of the cooperator, who had always had a good relationship with Du Boxiong, had jumped from the building and killed himself.

Suicide by jumping off a building?!

This will happen at such a critical moment!?

Du Boxiong is afraid to think carefully!

He knew that it must have something to do with Murdoch!

That's not all. Several of the project makers he worked with were either maliciously acquired or exposed scandals of collusion between officials and businessmen.

One of the project legal persons, who cooperated with Du Jia deeply, was even alarmed by the central / central government's involvement in the investigation because of the large amount of money involved in corruption and bribery.

In order to protect himself, Dubo had to stop the development of the project.

After days of changes, Du didn't get a good sleep. The whole person was in a trance.

Now the cases at hand are all stopped because of various problems.

How could such a coincidence happen!?

How come it doesn't happen sooner or later, but it happens at this time!?

It can be imagined that there must be someone interfering in this!

This mu Shi, is to have the heart ground to force him to die on the road!?

The contract is suspended, but the loss caused by project stagnation is calculated by millions every day!

Millions, what's the concept?

Within a few days, he was in debt! If it goes on like this, the Du family will have a complete play!

Every day, there are phone calls to ask him for debt collection. The default amount is also considerable due to the stagnation of the project!