One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 926

At the moment, muyazhe's face is no longer smiling, cold, no waves, a pair of eyes, but deep!

Du Boxiong is a small and famous upstart in this city. It is said that he made his fortune by relying on construction projects. Now his business is also smooth, and he has a small reputation in this industry.

But don't say it's the Mu family. Even compared with the Song family and the Gao family, the Du family is not a so-called famous family, but just a nouveau riche.

For moyazhe, he is too small to be small.

If moyazhe is a big mountain, then this Du Boxiong can only be regarded as a small sesame.

According to his character, he disdains to deal with such a small person.

But this time it's different.

The ugly faces of Huang Lili and Du Jiayan tonight are really disgusting.

He thought that the Du family was a famous family. He specially asked people to check the details of Du Boxiong.

But we got the result.

At the same time, I also learned that this Du Boxiong had some cooperation with the Mu family.

It's cooperation. In fact, Du Boxiong has some cooperation with several development projects under Mu's banner. Du Boxiong has contracted several projects under Mu's real estate.

Du Boxiong attaches great importance to Mu's case, but for Mu's case, it's nothing to replace a contractor at any time, and then re bid.

This Du Boxiong is dispensable.

So, in the face of Du Boxiong, he announced in person that the cooperation between Mu's case and him would be cancelled, he would be replaced and the bidding would be renewed.

A touch of lips, a simple two words, will be Du Boxiong's devotion to wipe out a word!

Du Boxiong is eager to ask what happened.

However, muyazhe said meaningfully, "it's time to ask your precious son about this!"

Then, without giving him any chance, he hung up.

He sent someone to announce it with Du Boxiong, and that's it.

He called him in person to tell him about it, which was to give Du a little face.

In addition, he also asked Du Boxiong to ask about his son.

Hung up the phone, Du Boxiong is still in a fog, but also vaguely stepped on, his son must be out to cause him what disaster!

Speaking of his son, Du Jiayan, Du Boxiong is full of anger.

Eating, drinking, whoring and gambling don't matter. This son is so spoiled by his wife that he has nothing to do with it. He is used to being rebellious. He usually makes public outside and makes troubles for him!

But now it even gets on Mu's head!?

Mu Yazhe, that's what a small family in Du family can afford!?

It's really pissed Du Boxiong off.

You should know that there are two kinds of disaster. One is that you can use money to deal with it.

On the other hand, it can't be dealt with with with with money!

Contractors like him have always been watching the faces of big people in this circle.

In a word, it's not a matter of minutes before he goes bankrupt?

In a word, a phone call from muyazhe is like a thunder in a sunny day, which makes Du Boxiong fidgety.

He sat on the bed nervously and smoked a few cigarettes. He couldn't rest assured, so he called the company.

The company has underwritten that Mu's real estate is a project, which is being started overnight. The other one called and said that Mu's has withdrawn their project overnight!

You got it!?

This muyazhe, really?!