One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 902

Xiao Xue said angrily, "why do you say that? Yunshishi is the best girl I have ever seen! She's just a bit stubborn and closed herself up. But what about that? At least she is sincere! Bad eyes? Oh! At least cloud poetry never speaks ill of people behind their backs! "

As she said, she gave Huang Lili a look, "unlike some people, they only make rumors and make troubles!"! Disgusting. "

Huang Lili sneered, dismissive.

Someone whistled, "Oh, how touching! How can Huang Lili speak ill of Yun's poems? It's just the fact that I saw it with my own eyes! Xiao Xue, did you eat dynamite today? We didn't talk about you. "

Du Jiayan had a flash of mockery at the bottom of his eyes, and then he rounded the room and said, "well, it's hard to get together with classmates. Don't hurt the harmony. Let's talk about something else."

Huang Lili said to muyazhe, "I think you are very pitiful. Look at your talent. Don't be fooled by what you see in front of you! Yunshishi is not a good thing. It's not clean. I saw the video of Jiang Lifa's circle of friends some time ago. Her son is six years old. It's not good to find a girlfriend. Find a pair of broken shoes! "

Mu Yazhe's face is sullen and his eyes are bright and sharp.

But without waiting for him to say

"Hua La" -

Xiao Xue stood up with her glass at some time. The expensive foreign wine in the goblet splashed her face.

Huang Lili Zheng in the seat, liquor pouring down her head, sliding into the eyes, spicy, the whole people are embarrassed.

She was stunned, obviously unable to believe that Xiao Xue dared to pour wine on her. The whole person was shocked, her chest was fluctuating, and her anger was rising.

"How dare you throw me?!"

"Broken shoes? I see you're breaking shoes! Why don't you look at yourself when you say poetry is a shoe? When I go to school, I don't go home at night. I often hang out in a nightclub. Do you want me to count your boyfriend's number of small packages you have been? Huang Lili, I don't care to say anything about you! It's disgusting to say it! "

Xiao Xue said excitedly, blushing.

The scene was out of control.

A group of people were so shocked that they didn't expect it to happen.

Du Jiayan also stood up and grasped Xiao Xue's wrist.

"What are you doing?! Are you crazy? Are you a bitch? "

"Let go! I don't want to see who looks like a shrew! Huang Lili, you are a mad dog, biting people everywhere! "

"Shut up!" Du Jiayan's eyes widened, threatening.

Now on this occasion, Xiao Xue splashes dirty water on Huang Lili, which is undoubtedly splashing dirty water on him. How can he bear it?


Gao Nan stands up sullenly, pushes Du Jiayan away, and keeps Xiao Xue by his side: "don't touch her with your dirty hand!"

"Why do you push me!? What qualifications do you have to speak to me? " Du Jiayan in the end is young and vigorous, see this Gao Nan unexpectedly do not know the height of heaven and earth, dare to push themselves, for a while also furious.

"Do you want to be the crown prince?" Gao Nan is disdainful to him.

Before that, it was Xiao Xue's school reunion tonight. I didn't want to make it too ugly.

But since Du Jiayan tore his face, he would not buy his account!

"Gao Nan..."

Gao Nan immediately turns around and holds her hand. She looks carefully at it. The place that Du Jiayan held just now is red!

For a while, I was heartbroken.

Gao Nan turns around and punches Du Jiayan.