One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 896

Du Jiayan can't help but look angry, stare at her, angry at her fuss!

When they saw Huang Lili's face startled, they couldn't help asking, "Lili, what's the matter?"

"No Nothing! "

Huang Lili also attached to Du Jiayan's ear: "Jiayan, are you kidding me?"

"Who teases you! Really, that bottle of big motorcycle 62, this is the market a year ago! This man even knows that there is a bottle of big motorcycle 62 in Yongye, which is not as simple as your classmates say! How can an ordinary employee know this! "

Huang Lili was stunned and speechless.

Soon, the waiter presented the bottle of Da Mo 62. Just after mu Yazhe asked someone to open the wine, Du Jiayan suddenly said, "wait!"

"What?" Muyazhe glanced at him coldly. "Is it heartache, young master Du?"

His outspoken words, however, made Du Jiayan even worse.

He smiled a few times, his face was stiff: "ha ha! How could... "

What else should he say? If he wants to stop the opening of the wine, he doesn't give him the chance to directly ask the waiter to start: "open it!"

The waiter said nothing and opened the wine directly.

At that moment, Du Jiayan's heart would be broken.

Three million

He doesn't know that he can't afford this bottle of wine for all the belongings he brought today!

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what was hidden in it.

I feel that Du Jiayan's face is a little strange.

Huang Lili was so angry that she couldn't keep the proper smile on her face. She was crazy in her heart!

This man, clearly is intentional!

Du Jiayan's heart is choking, but the wine has already opened. What else can he say!?

She took a look at Du Jiayan, whose face was livid and purple.

Then he saw that he pushed the wine to Yun's poetry and said softly, "taste it?"

"This wine should be strong, shouldn't it?" Some of Yun's poems are haunted by fear of being drunk.

Mu Yazhe chuckled: "what are you afraid of? It doesn't matter if I'm drunk. "

Yunshishi licked her lips and heart. Anyway, she was drunk, and muyazhe would be responsible for carrying her home.

What's more, a bottle of three million wine is worth nothing.

So she took a sip.

He smacked his lips with great care.

There's no special smell.

I can taste the taste of RMB.

"How about this wine?" asked muyazhe

"It's no different from ordinary wine." Cloud poetry is outspoken.

Xiao Xue laughed and said: "poetry, you can't drink, and everything tastes the same."

Huang Lili was so angry that she couldn't control her mood. She said directly, "three million yuan for this bottle of wine! How can it be no different from other foreign wine? "

"Three million!?"

The crowd was stunned.

"That's three million for such a bottle of wine?!"

Huang Lili said coldly, "yes! Yunshishi, you guys are not welcome! After all, I haven't seen the world. Du Jiayan said that he ordered a bottle of 3 million wine directly. It's the face of the people in the market! "

But that's a little over the top.

Xiao Xue frowned and was about to speak.

"Three million is very expensive?" he said slowly

"Oh, you have a good breath? Do you have to pay the three million? " Huang Lili sneered mercilessly.

"I didn't know the wine was so expensive here," he wrote. Or can't Mr. Du afford it? "

This is provocation.