One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 889

As for moyazhe's oath of sovereignty, Gao Nan sneered.

Two men stand together, looking at each other, but they are tit for tat!

Naturally, Gao Nan did not know what identity mu Yazhe was. However, in the capital city, he never feared anyone because of his superior family background!

What about the woman he wants, even if the famous flower has its owner?

As for the woman he likes, Gao Nan has the means to grab her!

See Xiao Xue and Gao Nan on the stage, a group of people have surrounded.

Xiao Xue is very popular in her class, so when she comes, many people surround her.

"Xiao Xue, is this your husband?"

"No, it's my boyfriend."

"Oh, what's the difference between a boyfriend and a husband?"

"We're not married yet."

"Your boyfriend is so handsome and tall! What is it for? "

"I heard that Gao Nan's mother is the top of orange light entertainment!"

"Ah God! Gao Nan must know a lot of stars! "

Gao Nan smiled: "ha ha! All right. Isn't there a big star in front of you? "

"Who is it?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Xiao Xue said proudly, "poetry? Don't you usually go on Weibo? "

Everyone immediately called out: "we are so busy at work, how can we have time to brush Weibo!"

"Ah! I remember it. Isn't there a movie being made recently? Call... "

"Green fruit!" Some people clap the forehead, immediately shocked eyes fell on the body of cloud poetry.

"My God! I remember it. Poetry, are you making a movie

"I saw it at the beginning, but I didn't recognize it, because the shape is not the same!"

"Green fruit"? Ah That's a movie starring my God! Poetry, are you really the heroine in it? "

For a while, everyone gathered around yunshishi, and her eyes were full of amazement, envy and jealousy.

Few people in the media department of Yun's poetry can keep up with the times.

After all, the entertainment industry is full of talents and waves. Not everyone has a chance to survive.

Cloud poetry is the first.

Huang Lili saw a group of people coax in the cloud poetry side, when some unhappy, some sour way: "poetry, you can achieve your dream, really happy for you! Ah, acting has always been my dream, but Jiayan in my family doesn't allow me to enter the entertainment circle. "

"Why?" Someone immediately asked, "Lili, you always said that you must be a good actor!"

"Because, Jiayan said, most of the entertainment stars are not clean, they are hidden rules! Jiayan is worried that I will be bullied. What's more, Jiayan's mother said that women in the entertainment circle are all actors and dirty. "

As soon as she said this, Xiao Xue's face changed for the first time.

This is Huang Lili. Isn't it obvious that yunshishi is a play?!

Although on the surface it's dirty in the entertainment circle, it's ironic that Yunshi poetry is a dirty play!

People also understood the implied meaning of Huang Lili's words, and the atmosphere was inevitably embarrassed.

Only cloud poetry sits on the act, there is not a little anger on the face, the waves are calm, the face is calm.

Huang Lili immediately added, "ah, ah, how can I say that! Poetry, I didn't mean for you. Don't get me wrong! "