One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 875

Obviously, she came to the appointment with her girlfriend, but she always led the conversation to her, which made her feel pretty upset.

During the dinner, I always wanted to talk with her, but in fact, yunshishi didn't want to deal with him too much. After all, he was Xiao Xue's boyfriend.

Moreover, because of her temperament, she never likes to be too close to the strange opposite sex. Maybe it's those things in college, so that she always keeps as far away from the opposite sex as possible and avoids being gossip as much as possible.

Gao Nan saw that her face was slightly unhappy, but she smiled.

She dodged him. He didn't see it.

It's a costume!?

It doesn't matter to think about it.

After all, it's a woman born in the entertainment circle. With the beauty of cloud poetry, she will be able to make a name in the entertainment circle.

Then, as a big star, in order not to appear too cheap, put on some airs, it is understandable!

At first Xiao Xue said that she wanted to go to a friend's appointment. Gao Nan refused to go with him to the appointment.

Because I don't think it's interesting.

However, when Xiao Xue said that this friend is her best friend, so she also wanted to formally introduce him to her.

"Gao Nan, do you know cloud poetry? She is my best friend! You are my boyfriend, so I would like to formally introduce you to her

Xiao Xue said so. Gao Nan asked if the new actor Yun Shishi, who was in the limelight recently, was right.

He is willing to accompany her to come here. He just wants to have a look. It's said that China and the United States are like cloud poems that don't eat people's fireworks. What about the real people!

However, when he followed Xiao Xue into the coffee shop, he saw the shadow of cloud poetry sleeping on the sofa. When he saw her real face, it was impossible to describe her as "amazing"!


I didn't expect that this cloud poem, real people are better than those exposed trivia photos on Weibo!

For a while, it was hard to avoid moving my mind.

Gao Nan smiles, but this smile is different from the previous polite smile in front of Xiao Xue.

Seeing the strange smile on his face, yunshishi felt his scalp numb for a while, reluctantly raised his smile and said, "I'll go back to my seat first! Xiao Xue Still waiting for me! "

She said, just want to go, but her arm was grabbed by Gao Nan.

Gao Nan took her arm and pulled her to the front of her body.

Yunshishi is surprised, but looks up to see Gao Nan's smile on his face at the moment, which is a little weird and unpredictable!

He was about a meter and eight tall, so that she stood in front of him, just below his shoulder.

He took hold of her, but cloud poetry did not like his touch, frowning.


"You must be very expensive for your beauty!"

However, Gao Nan suddenly uttered such an endless sentence.

Yunshishi was stunned when he heard this. He didn't respond for a moment. What did he mean by this.

Gao Nan continued: "I heard that in the entertainment circle, all the women who can get out of the way have gold masters behind them. You have just started your career, and you are already famous. There should be a gold master behind you! "

As soon as he said this, yunshishi immediately understood what he meant. His face was sullen and angry.

"You're angry?"

Gao Nan smiled, "you don't need to show this face. Xiao Xue doesn't understand. Can I still not understand?"? My mother is the art director of orange light entertainment. I know all the famous entertainment circles! "