One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 862

In particular, the shoulder area, directly hit the ground, almost dislocated.

He sat up on the ground with his shoulders in his arms and looked up. He saw that the man was really the bad young man in the cinema just now.

I saw his big hand caressing his smooth head, a pair of fierce and bandit full of eyes stared at him, immediately scolded.

"Son of a bitch! Damn it, you are so good! I almost went to the police station for tea! You're fucking young. You're so capable! "

Youyou bites his lips to death, thinking that this man has recognized him as xiaoyichen.

Just now in the cinema, the man didn't find that the two little guys were twins in his hurry, but he remembered xiaoyichen's appearance clearly.

At the thought of this kid's interruption, it not only destroys his good deeds, but almost causes him to be pulled to the police station!

Just think about it, the man is furious. He has been walking in the black street for so many years, but he almost fell into the hands of a young rabbit who has not been weaned. Naturally, he is angry!

After being driven out of the cinema, he didn't rush to leave, but waited at the gate of the cinema, and planned to wait for this unknown kid to leave the cinema, and then abducted to beat him up!

"Mom! Boy, where do you come from! How dare you sing against me! Young age, quite rampant ah! "

The bald man squatted down in front of him, slapped him on the cheek with a rough slap, and youyou turned his face expressionless, staring at him coldly, his eyes cold.

Bareheaded man is surprised, "eh" a. "Ouch? Are you a good kid? Yes? I was arrogant just now. How can I be afraid now? No more? Aren't you quite capable? Now I dare not say a word! "

Youyou's shoulder shrank back, his eyes were full of disgust, as if he touched it, and felt disgusted!

He is always polite, clever, seldom rude, even scold a person.

However, in the face of this man, he still can't help but want to scold "garbage"!

Bully others with strength, and bully the weak with force!

He is the most shameless!

However, he knew that if he scolded, he would certainly annoy this man!

He's not xiaoyichen. He doesn't have that ability.

According to his eyes, this man is probably a social gangster. He doesn't want to provoke a gangster.

Therefore, youyou just closed his mouth tightly and did not dare to talk much.

Sometimes, we should also know how to bear the humiliation!

If you are quick to talk, you will offend this man and hurt him all over

It's time for mommy to be sad again.

He doesn't want to upset Mommy!

When the man saw that he was silent, he became more and more angry, swearing and kicking up: "Mom! Speak! I was arrogant just now. How can I speak like a mentally retarded person? "

The strength of this foot is not small.

Youyou was immediately kicked to the ground by him, with a cold sweat and pain.

The man stepped on the back of his hand, and youyou cried out in pain, hoarse.

"Ha ha! Does it hurt!? You're the only one who's good at it? Why, I can't use any strength now? " As the man humiliated, he wriggled his heel and ran his hand over and over again.

"Please, cry for mercy with me, say you are wrong, maybe I can let you go!"