One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 853

"Why? Why? Can't we walk hand in hand? " Little Yi Chen doesn't want to shout.

"It feels strange!"

You you frown, but your face is disgusted.

Little Yi Chen some don't understand: "where strange?"

Youyou glanced at him, but he did not speak.

It's all boys. What's your hand! The boy still needs to hold hands, which makes him feel strange.

"Lead! Lead, lead! "

Small Yi Chen sees him to stop talking, unexpectedly soft ground scatters Jiao to come.

Youyou says angrily, "muyichen, don't make trouble!"

Xiaoyi Chen is not happy. Holding the injured heart, he says softly, "I didn't make any noise. I just want to hold your hand."

Youyou said coolly, "are you a pervert?"

"You're a pervert!"

Cried Little Yi Chen, and he came back.




Bless the silence.

I can't help but have a headache.

This kid, unexpectedly also learned to act coquettish, also don't know with whom to take classics! But don't look, on coquetry, who is the originator!

Will he eat his way?

It's impossible.

So youyou ignored him and went on.

However, I don't want to see what kind of man Xiaoyi Chen was trained by. You refuse and don't give your hand. Does it really work?

Therefore, without saying a word, Xiaoyi Chen catches up with him and holds his soft claw.

Youyou was shocked, and suddenly he wanted to take his hand out of his palm.

Little Yi Chen is holding it, the more he struggles, the tighter he holds it.

Youyou is impatient. He says coldly, "let go, muyichen!"


"If you don't, I'll bite you!"

He's a rascal. He's a rascal!

Small Yi Chen is not afraid of, provocative way: "you bite me, I also won't let go!"

At the beginning, skyscraper wheel held his hand tightly, even if it was on the verge of dislocation, even at the last moment, he would not let go.

He won't let go if he takes a bite.

Just want to hold his hand.

You you saw his face firmly, but also simply gave up struggling.

Biting him is just bluffing!

But the boy was not frightened at all.

This is inevitable!

Don't think about it. He trained in special forces since he was a child. After all kinds of training, he was naturally not afraid of anything, and the newborn calf was not afraid of anything.

Little Yi Chen gets what he wants, holds his hand tightly, and walks side by side with him.

His hand is bigger than youyou's, so it's natural that his little claw can be contained in the palm of his hand.

His hands are so soft.

Xiaoyi Chen can't help pinching his palm. He keeps a puppet cat in Mu's house. When he is bored, he likes to hold the cat in his arms and hold its meat pad.

However, the texture of youyou's small hand is obviously better than the cat's paw.

Warm, soft, lovely!

Youyou's palm is sensitive and extremely ticklish. Seeing him holding it, he shrank a little.

So, stare at him, eyes hint him, it's enough! It's a big concession to give him a hand!

Small Yi Chen receives the warning in his eyes, also understands, then no longer pinches him.

"You you, what would you like to eat?"

"I don't know."

Have a look!

He didn't know what he wanted to eat for a while. Now he's over hungry, not as hungry as he was in the hospital.

When passing a western restaurant, little Yi Chen pulls his hand: "you you, let's eat Western food!"