One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 748

He likes this feeling very much. He likes every part of her and has his taste.

Gradually, he didn't want to end up with a kiss.

In the hospital for several days, he took into account her injury, never touched her, even if it was kissing, it was just a matter of time.

There was no rain for several days. She was close to each other, and she thought about her body.

While kissing her, muyazhe tentatively took her hand and led her to a place where he was covetously looking, as if he was sending out some secret signal.

The hot touch from the fingertips, even across the fabric, is so clear.

Cloud poetry opened his eyes, but his deep eyes.

There is no need to cover up the dark / desire in the eyes.

"Hello, you..."

Yun Shishi's face is blushing, but he doesn't know how to say he is good, and what is in the man's mind?

This man

As soon as he got off the plane, he

How energetic is it?

"Can you think of anything else besides this?"

"No," he said


This guy dare not be more upright!


Not far away came Xiao Yichen's anxious voice. Yun Shishi and mu Yazhe were stunned. The voice came from the stairs, and they immediately rushed to hear it.

Walking to the second floor of the escalator, I saw Xiaoyi Chen holding yuntianyou standing at the end of the stairs, looking around, sweating, anxious and nervous on the face, and seeing them coming, his voice was filled with uneasy crying.

"Mommy, brother, he He doesn't know what's wrong with his brother. He looks like he has trouble breathing! "

Yuntianyou is held in his arms. Xiaoyichen is relatively tall. Yuntianyou is shorter than him. When he holds yuntianyou in his arms, the whole person looks small and boneless, as if the wind can blow away.

Yun Shishi's heart was stunned. He saw that Yun Tianyou was crouching together, his hands tightly covering his chest, as if he was about to suffocate. He was in a hurry to breathe, gasping heavily, and his face was red.

The sweat drops of bean roll down from his face and drop on Xiaoyi Chen's hand.

Xiaoyi Chen looks down at Yun Tianyou's painful face. His face is more and more guilty, and his eyes are anxious, as if he is about to cry.

"Mommy, Mommy..."

You you sent out a faint cry for help. He didn't say a word, but he had to breathe heavily. He couldn't speak the whole sentence coherently.

Muyazhe frowned and frowned. It was the first time he saw the child when he was ill.

It's very painful.

Ordinary people can't imagine the pain.

Can't breathe, it must be hard!

The child

Muyazhe was shocked, and suddenly recalled that day when yuntianyou was in hospital, the doctor said: "this child is in a very bad condition, because of premature birth, coupled with inadequate nutrient absorption in the mother's body, the body is weak. The best way is to operate. However, the child is too small at present, and the operation will have great risks, so it is not recommended. At present, only drugs can be used to control and stabilize the disease. "

Hyperventilation is a physiological reaction caused by acute anxiety. When the attack occurs, the patient will feel the heart rate accelerating, palpitation and sweating.

The patient can't feel the breath, so the breath is accelerated, so the carbon dioxide is continuously discharged and the concentration is too low, causing respiratory alkalosis and other symptoms.

The condition is severe and can lead to quadriplegia or even shock.