One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 743

In the video screen, Yan Bingqing slaps cloud poetry and six slaps in the face. His eyes are cruel and cruel. Every slap is amazing. Several times, cloud poetry is slapped to the ground.

Yan Bingqing not only didn't support her, but also secretly chuckled. Her sinister and vicious appearance was different from the image of a goddess that she usually created in front of the public.

Netizens read the video over and over for several times, but they didn't find that yunshishi, like the previous rumors, had any arrogant attitude of playing big cards and disrespecting the elders.

On the contrary, she has great respect for every member of the crew. Even if Yan Bingqing moves out for all kinds of strange reasons, or even an excuse of no sense, intentionally ng, she will sincerely apologize and thank the director and the cameraman.

A very humble person.

On the contrary, Yan Bingqing's performance in acting is quite different from that exposed to the public in the past.

Outrageous, arrogant, playing big cards, ugly face suddenly exposed in front of all netizens, it is outraged.

It's so disappointing that netizens can't accept the truth for a while.

The goddess in my mind is such a vicious person. Yan Bingqing's ruthlessness makes it hard for all netizens to accept her, but she can also see her real face clearly.

Those original Yan Bingqing's iron fans saw the video, but also angry.

In the past, the beautiful and gentle goddess used to bully a new man by such cruel means in front of the public. The truth of the matter shocked everyone!

Disappointed, the moment turned black, and firmly stood in the cloud poetry camp.

Microblog, post bar, forum and other websites, about "Yan Bingqing slapping cloud poetry incident", are also top headlines hanging, for a time, this incident set off a wave of waves, make everyone know.

The other artists of "Qingguo" group, led by Gu Xingze, took the lead in forwarding the microblog around the world, and said: "I feel sad that this happened in the group. There are black sheep like this in the entertainment circle, and the shadow circle will be so smoky. I love poems. Although they are new, they are very kind to everyone in the group. Hope poetry can rest at ease and return to the cast as soon as possible! [love] "

Gu Xingze's microblog was just released, and the number of visitors reached a new high, and the forwarding was even more record breaking. Gu Xingze's fan Corps immediately left a message in the message area to support the idol.

Then, Yang Mi, Li Jiuxian and other artists also forwarded microblogs to support the position of cloud poetry.

Jun Mo also posted a micro blog: "a certain front-line female artist is too much! I slapped 16 times in a row and punched people to the perforation of eardrum! No matter what kind of resentment, it's not right to hurt people! In the drama, poetry is my first love. Outside the drama, poetry is my best friend! Those who come from nowhere to say that poetry plays a big role, how could I not know there is such a thing! Don't think you can clean yourself by smearing others! "

Junmo played a male role in "green fruit" and got a lot of attention from the original fans. With the fan effect of Junmo, soon, the micro blog was also forwarded.

At the same time, many of the Longtao actors in the "green fruit" group have also opened microblogs to disclose the truth, pointing out that it is Yan Bingqing who really plays big cards and bullies new people in the group.