One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 731

For a while, the room was quiet, and the two men were silent. For a while, Mo Yan was helpless and said, "I beg you, don't let our previous efforts fall short because of this matter."

Yan Bingqing took a deep breath and said softly, "OK, you want me to apologize. I'll go to apologize now."

"That's what it is."

When Mo Yan and Yan Bingqing arrive at the door of the ward, looking at the uniform bodyguards standing at the door of the ward, Yan Bingqing still has some drums in his heart.

"Go in."

Mo Yan patted her on the shoulder.

Yan Bingqing sips her lips and knocks on the door.

"Who? Come straight in. " The voice of cloud poetry came from inside.

Yan Bingqing pushes the door open, and you can see mu Yazhe sitting at the head of the bed, while Yun Shishi nests comfortably in his arms and brushes his micro blog with his mobile phone.

It's hot, so muyazhe specially asked people to buy frozen watermelon, cut it into pieces, hold the fruit plate in his left hand, hold the fork in his right hand, and carefully deliver it to her mouth piece by piece.

That careful appearance, hands and feet, are very caring, no matter how big or small, are good for life.

Just like a slave wife.

As for yunshishi, though lying in his arms, brushing his microblog and opening his mouth occasionally to welcome the watermelons he fed, it was very pleasant.

Yan Bingqing saw the picture and was stunned at the spot.

Rao is Mo Yan behind him. He widens his eyes with exaggeration and doesn't believe his eyes at all.

It's said that the fierce muyazhe, who killed Lengduan, put down his high attitude to serve a person at the moment.


Some, I can't believe what he saw.

In the impression, the image of this man has always been high, just like the crown prince of the Empire, noble and arrogant.

However, at this moment, the man who has always been in the business and political arena is so pampering and waiting on a woman. She is allowed to do something wrong in her arms. The hands that grind and play with many bloody things, at this moment, put down the fruit plate, carefully peel off the orange skin, and deliver the peeled flesh to her mouth one by one.

Is it the same person?


Mo Yan has some doubts about whether the man in front of him is really the original master of muyazhe.

Seeing Yan Bingqing, the smile on her face suddenly faded. She slowly sat up from the arms of muyazhe and stared at her warily.

Seeing her rise, mu Yazhe also raised his eyes and saw Yan Bingqing and Mo Yanqi staring at the door. He was upset and frowned at their untimely interruption.

"What are you doing?" Yun Shishi looks at Yan Bingqing cautiously and asks suspiciously.


Yan Bingqing opens his mouth and stops talking.

Mo Yan clears his throat beside him and immediately says what he wants to do. He just makes a statement to represent Yan Bingqing. What he says is nothing more than hypocritical and grandiose words.

However, from the beginning to the end, he sat at the edge of the hospital bed, his legs overlapped gracefully, and his unassuming attitude made Yan Bingqing feel more disgusted.

This feeling of inferiority is disgusting!

Originally, she came here to obey Mo Yan's arrangement. After all, she was really afraid of the real situation around the world, and really blocked her.

When muyazhe kills a person, she just touches her lips, but her life is over!

However, at first sight, the cloud poetry in front of us is cold on the face, especially in the heart.

A deep sense of humiliation surrounded her.