One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 721

"I just woke up."

"You've been in a coma all day and all night. Just wake up."

"Day and night?"

Did she sleep so long?

"The doctor said Mommy had a slight concussion, well, so..." Youyou carefully moved a small stool, sat on her right hand side, took out an apple and began to peel it with a knife.

"How can I be in the hospital?" said Yun

"Stupid Mommy, you are injured. You must be sent to the hospital." The helpless expression appeared on youyou's face, "besides, the injury is a little serious and needs to be well cultivated."

He specially sat on the right side of yunshishi, because the tympanic membrane of yunshishi's left ear was perforated, so he spoke on her left side, afraid that mommy could not hear his voice clearly.

As soon as yunshishi has gone through the hospital formalities, muyazhe picks him up with xiaoyichen.

At first, yuntianyou thought that she had suffered some serious injuries. He was very nervous and wanted to fly to yunshishi with wings.

However, when he came to the hospital, Yun Tianyou learned from the doctors that it was because he was injured during filming and the external force caused eardrum damage. He would be well cultivated for a few days.

He was still a little uneasy. He asked her about her again and again. The doctor promised that he would never leave any sequelae. The little guy was relieved.

Naturally, muyazhe didn't tell yuntianyou the truth.

Otherwise, I don't know what kind of bloodbath this little devil is going to stir up.

Muyazhemin / feels that this little youyou seems innocent on the surface, but in the heart it seems like a little devil.

Once touched his bottom line, his inner devil will wake up!

And cloud poetry is his untouchable bottom line, is his scale.

He has no doubt that if yuntianyou knew the truth, he would stir up the whole world if the troupe of "green fruit" was not told in a rage.

However, he knew that this matter could not be concealed for long.

Just hope that he will deal with the matter himself.

Xiaoyichen is more afraid than yuntianyou. Just entering the ward, yunshishi is still asleep. When he sees yunshishi's swollen face, tears flow down his face. Holding yunshishi's arm, xiaoyichen cries bitterly and faintly.

Yun Tianyou stands on one side, but he calmly looks at the situation of Yun's poems. His face is heavy, and there are countless doubts in his eyes.

When muyazhe thought that he found something fishy, yuntianyou stepped forward and pushed xiaoyichen away and protected him in front of yunshishi. He was indignant and said: "you are not allowed to take advantage of my mother, hum!"

"That's my mommy, too!" Small Yi Chen is not convinced to remind.

Yun Tianyou snorted coldly, and two little guys pinched a fight for it, which made mu Yazhe worried about it. At last, he couldn't bear it, and one of them gave him a thriller.

"Your mommy is still in bed. She wants to fight outside and come in after quarreling!"

See mu Yazhe angry.

The two little guys have settled down. They decide not to make a fuss. Shake hands and make peace.

Two small milk bags secretly make up their mind, at least for mommy's sake, to temporarily cease fighting and get along with each other friendly!

The father and son took turns to stay in front of the hospital bed and spent the night with her.

Yunshishi stares at yuntianyou's young and white face, squints his eyes and asks, "Youyou, did you bully your brother?"

"Mummy, you are wronged! You don't bully children casually. " Yuntianyou is soft and cute, but the movements on his hands are not stopped.

