One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 700

At the same time, everything was in order at the scene.

Yunshishi and Yan Bingqing's rival play is in the basement.


At the moment, however, the film set is a deathly low pressure.

Everyone stared at the two people surrounded by the crew at the moment.

"Pa --"

a loud slap.

Yan Bingqing's slap was heavily waved on the cheek of Yunshi's poem.

Almost poured in the whole body of the general strength, mixed with the momentum of thunder, palms and cheeks issued a crisp collision sound, almost resounded throughout the film, everyone was surprised to stare at all this, unbelievably.

Yun's poems were almost caught off guard. She was slapped in the face by this unforgiving slap. She opened her eyes in amazement. Some of them failed to come back to her mind.

The air was so quiet that it was suffocating.

In particular, Mu Xi, waiting at the sidelines of the venue, was terrified and could not close his mouth.

Yan Bing takes back her hand and stares at her with grim eyes. She screams hysterically, "Yin Xiachun, why are you back at this time! Don't you let me go? Still say you don't let go of your brother! "

Her shrill and desperate voice echoed in the silent basement.

Powerful shock.

Yan Bingqing at the moment, undoubtedly into the role.

Yunshishi turns to look at her with some amazement, but she hasn't recalled her thoughts for a long time.

She squinted at Yan Bingqing. She seemed to underestimate this woman's means.

It's very hot. It's very hot.

Yunshishi was silent for a long time. Even a minute later, she didn't read her lines. Lin Fengtian's eyes left the monitor and stared at Yan Bingqing, cold and suspicious.


Lin Fengtian stood up and asked yunshishi: "yunshishi, are you in the right state? Or forget the words, why didn't you read the lines? "

Cloud poetry pursed her lips and said with a stiff smile, "I'm sorry, Lin Dao, I'm distracted!"

Lin Fengtian is angry and annoyed. Some people hate iron but not steel: "wandering?! Do you distract me from making movies? Cloud poetry, you give me a professional attitude! It's work now, understand! Don't be distracted! "

"Yes! I see! "

Muxi stares at all these things, and feels a little inconceivable.

What happened to Lin Fengtian?

He's a big director. Don't you see that?

Yan Bingqing is deliberately humiliating!

In this episode, Yin Xiachun will return to China and enter the same company as Yin Dongyu. In the basement, she happens to meet Lin Huna, Yin Dongyu's fiancee played by Yan Bingqing.

Lin hona, Yin Dongyu and Yin Xiachun grew up together. They were also young and rich. They liked Yin Dongyu. Later, because Yin and Lin had made friends for generations, they became Yin Dongyu's fiancee.

No matter in the rebellious period or after growing up, Lin has always been deeply in love with Yin Dongyu.

However, Yin Dongyu's heart is still deeply in love with Yin Xiachun. Even if Yin Xiachun goes abroad, he still cannot give up his feelings for her.

Lin hoena knew that Yin Dongyu had no self in her heart, but she saw that two people were going to be engaged. Yin Xiachun returned home at this time, and two people ran into her. Lin hoena asked her the final purpose of returning home out of control.

Generally, in the movie, the story of slapping is based on a special angle and position, using montage's technique. One side raises his hand and pretends to slap it, while the other side covers his face with exaggeration.

How the show was played.