One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 4675

"Mention your parents..."

Bai Zhen touched his chin and said curiously, "I'm also curious. What does your father and mother look like?"

"Why are you curious?"


She blushed and hesitated, "because if you are so handsome, your mother should be very beautiful, and your father should be very handsome."

Gu Chengze also hesitated for a long time and explained seriously, "actually..."

"In fact?"

"My father is more beautiful, my mother is more handsome."


How fat four!!

Beautiful father-in-law?

A beautiful mother-in-law?

How can this description be difficult to take?

Seeing that Bai Zhen is so curious, Gu Chengze is rarely enthusiastic. "If not, I'll arrange for you to meet my parents."

"You don't want to..."

Bai Zhen is a little embarrassed.

Gu Chengze is helpless, "where am I unwilling? I didn't accept it with you. They have a delicate mind. I don't know what you mean to me. In case, you are not satisfied with me when you first introduce it to them. We didn't make it to the end at last. If the daughter-in-law who got it flies, they will not be able to bear it. "


Is it like this.

Bai Zhen couldn't laugh or cry. He immediately took his hand and gave him a positive reply, "don't worry, I won't fly away. Since I have married you, I must learn to be a good wife. There's no need for your worries. "

"Then Tomorrow! "

Gu Chengze took her hand instead, but he was relieved.

She said this, roughly, that is, she must have identified him and won't waver any more.

Does he understand that, too?

Bai can't help but look forward to it. "I'm looking forward to meeting my father-in-law and mother-in-law! However, will it be too abrupt? We haven't even told them about our marriage. "

"My mother should know, but my father's words..."

Gu Chengze thought, Chu he should not tell Gu Jinglian about it so quickly.

Bai Zhen really began to imagine it.

Curiously, I can't imagine Gu Chengze's parents.

Beautiful father-in-law?

A beautiful mother-in-law?

It's hard for her imagination.

However, Gu Chengze is so gentle, her father-in-law and mother-in-law should also be kind-hearted purpose, right?!

Two old people, living in an ordinary and simple apartment, look like guests.

Because Gu Chengze said that they are very kind.


All this imagination was broken when Bai Zhen stood at the gate of Gu's house.


The whole house occupies the most expensive land in the capital, which can be said to be an inch of land and an inch of gold.

Not only that.

I don't know why, the weather is very clear, but standing in front of this ancient house, it gives her a very oppressive feeling, as if the clouds are pressing against the top.

"So familiar..."

Bai Xuan twisted his eyebrows and looked at the high threshold. He always felt that such a doorway seemed familiar.

Has she been here before?

If so, why doesn't she remember.

If she hasn't come, why give her a feeling like she has come?

"What's the matter?"

Gu Chengze saw that she had been clubbing in the door, motionless, came over, and gently pinched her face. "Before he saw her parents in law, he began to be nervous?"


It's not too tense, though it's a little tense.


It's more about seeing.