One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 4672

Five minutes later.

Gu Chengze brings Bai Zhen to Cartier's counter.

It was not until Bai Zhen saw the diamond rings and necklaces displayed in the counter that he realized coldly what the man had to buy.


Bai Xuan has some surprises.

In fact, she is quite different from other girls. She prefers clothes, maybe clothing major. Therefore, she will be more sensitive to fashion.

I don't like diamonds that much.

It's just that the diamond ring means different things to her.

It was a keepsake to her.

The clerk greeted him warmly, "good afternoon, sir, madam. Do you want to choose a diamond ring? "


"Do you choose engagement ring or wedding ring?"

Gu Chengze took a look at Bai Zhen and said, "engagement ring."

"Wedding ring!"

"We are all married, so just buy the wedding ring directly," said Bai

The clerk began to introduce enthusiastically, "what price is the budget? I can introduce you to you. "

"No more."

Gu Chengze said, "let her choose by herself."

"Oh, yes."

The clerk stood in front of the counter, smiling at Bai Zhen.

Looking at the various styles of diamond rings displayed in the display cabinet, Bai Xuan glanced at them and saw all kinds of bright and dazzling. In addition, the general jewelry counter had strong lights and felt dazzled at one time.

"Actually It doesn't matter what I wear. "

Gu Chengze took a fancy to a diamond ring placed in the most eye-catching position. The diamond is especially large, about the size of a carat. He ordered the ring and told the clerk, "is this design convenient to take out and have a look?"

"Of course."

The clerk said, putting on the velvet gloves and carefully taking out the diamond ring.

Seeing the diamond ring, Bai Xuan immediately said, "I don't like it very much."

"What's the matter?"

The assistant was also surprised, "this diamond ring has a very unique shape, and the cleanliness of the diamond is also very high..."

"It's too big."

"Too big?"

The first time the shop assistant saw a woman who thought the diamond was too big.

After all, the bigger the diamond, the more ostentatious it is.

Unless it's poor.

Only the poor will dislike the diamond too big. After all, the bigger the diamond is, the more expensive it is.

The clerk immediately expressed disappointment.

Looking at the good temperament of men, she thought that she had welcomed big customers.

Gu Chengze laughs, "isn't it good to have a bigger diamond?"

"I don't think it's convenient."

"If it's inconvenient, take it off!"

The assistant pretended to be careless and said, "women who wear more than one carat of diamond rings don't need to do housework, even when bathing, they don't feel inconvenient."

"Such a big diamond is easy to pick up when wearing clothes."

"Then take it off, put on your clothes and put it on."


Bai Zhen could not hear the changed attitude of the clerk, and said quietly, "since the diamond ring is a token of marriage, then, since it is put on, I never thought of taking it off."


Gu Chengze looks at her in silence.

"I think it's better not to be too prominent. Already, if I put this ring on, I will never take it off. I think this is the most fundamental meaning of the diamond ring, isn't it? "