One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 4667

"I'm a little richer than you think."

Gu Chengze's words, let Bai Zhen some accidents.

She couldn't help but come up and ask, "how rich is a little money?"

"In any case, you can afford seven or eighty."


Bai Zhen was surprised. "Is it so cheap to raise me?"


Gu Chengze hit her on the head. "Even if you go to Gucci Armani every day, I can afford it."


So, is he rich?

Bai Zhen suddenly secretly laughed.

Gu Chengze saw that she was sniggering and couldn't help holding her tightly and asked, "what are you sniggering at?"


"Say. You must be laughing on the sly. "


"I'm laughing. At least, I don't have to worry about the West and north wind," he said

"Why are you so promising?"


Bai Zhen suddenly sat up and looked at him seriously. "When I married you, I was really ready to drink with you."


Gu Chengze is more and more crying and laughing.

Does he give the impression that he is really so poor?

When he met her for the first time, he also wore high-grade clothes. He didn't have a noble manner when he put his hands to his feet.

Bai Zhen seemed to see through what he was thinking, and quickly explained, "I'm not saying that you wear poor, poor temperament!"

"What poverty is that?"

"I just want to think about it. I think the rich should choose the right woman as their wife. If you really have money, why do you like me and marry me

Gu Chengze smelt the words, pursed his lips, but did not speak.

She has too much inferiority.

Even when I was with him, I was always careful not to make him unhappy, but to be afraid that I would not be liked.

He knew what she had experienced since childhood, so it was normal for him to have such a mentality.

However, he hoped that when she married him, she would gradually become more confident and brave.

Gu Chengze suddenly thought of something, looked at her, and then suddenly walked out.

Seeing that he didn't say a word, Bai Zhen went out and looked at him with a probe. His face was inexplicable.

"Husband What are you doing? "

Gu Chengze went directly into her room and opened the wardrobe.

Except for the clothes he bought for her, her own clothes are all of the same simple style.

She was reluctant to wear what he bought for her.

Thanks to her good temperament, she dressed the plastic texture of cheap goods into a high-level feeling.

These clothes are too mediocre and cheap.

He was so distressed that he decided to take her to the shopping mall in the afternoon.

Gu Chengze returns to the room, Bai Zhen is holding the bowl, Leng Leng ground looks at him, the mouth is still biting the pouch egg.

"What's the matter?"

"After that, we'll go out this afternoon."

"Going out?"

Bai Zhen thought for a moment, "haven't you asked for leave? You don't have to take me to work this afternoon. "

"Not at work."

"Ah, what is that?"


An hour later.

Gu Chengze leads Bai Zhen into the resplendent shopping mall. The first floor is decorated magnificently, especially those jewels and Jadeites, which almost blinds her eyes.

Before she could react, Gu Chengze took her all the way up to the fourth floor.

The fourth floor and the third floor are all women's clothing counters, but the only difference between the fourth floor and the third floor is that they sell top brands.