One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 4663

Gu Chengze hugged her and carried her into his bedroom.

For a long time, both of them sleep separately.

He slept in his room. She slept in another room.

She has never stepped into his room.

It seemed to be the first time she had entered his room.

Such a large room, a bed, a wardrobe and a landing window are the balconies that function in the flourishing night market.

The next second, she was thrown into bed by him.

His bed was so soft that she bounced a little, and the next second he came up.

At the beginning of everything, we all follow our instinct

Body, as if pouring into countless magma, scalding, will soon burn her.

After asking for her, I finally stopped.

When I woke up again, it was dawn.

She didn't sleep very well. For the first time, all she could feel was pain. Although he was very gentle, the pillow was still wet.

It's over. I have to go to work tomorrow

Bai Zhen opens his tired eyes and has no extra energy to think about tomorrow.


In the morning, at ten o'clock, Bai Xuan's cell phone rang frantically.

Gu Chengze was the first to wake up.

He turned the bell off to mute, saw the above remark was "team leader", thought it was her leader who called.

By the way, how did he forget that she is going to work today?

Was it too much yesterday, so that she was still buried in his arms, sleeping soundly.

Gu Chengze connected the phone. There was a woman's voice.

"It's ten o'clock, Bai Hui. Are you going to come to work!? Give me an explanation. "

"I'm sorry. Bai Zhen is ill today and can't go to the company. There's a reason why he didn't come to ask for leave. I'm very sorry."

At that end, she was stunned for a moment, and the woman asked, "you are..."

"I'm Bai Xuan's husband."

"Oh Is Bai Peng ill? "


"Then why not ask for leave in advance?"

Gu Chengze chuckled, "excuse me, who could have predicted that he would be ill? Bai Zhen was going to work today, but I stopped him. She has a high fever, so she can't go. "

"Oh, oh."

"I want to ask her for leave."

"How many days?"

"A week."

A week!?!?

What's for a week?

"If you ask for a week, you won't be able to work full time. You can ask for a day off at most. Moreover, the leader's approval is not enough, but the salary should be deducted. "

"Whatever you want. People are uncomfortable and can't make it to work. Is your company a vampire? "

Said, Gu Chengze also does not leave a little face, directly hang up the phone.

On the mobile phone, multiple alarm clocks are displayed.

The alarm went off, but neither of them woke up.

Gu Chengze hangs up his mobile phone directly, puts it under the pillow, hugs her and continues to sleep.

It was not until the afternoon that Bai Xuan woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt the pain of genbu tearing his thigh.

Although there is no rumor of being run over by heavy trucks, it's really a tearing pain.

Move a little bit, that nerve seems to be sealed by cement, and acid rises again.

Bai zhe grinned with pain. It was cold. What did he think of? He fumbled for his cell phone under the pillow.

Touch the mobile phone, only to find the black screen of the mobile phone.

No power?

She doubted to press the power on button, and the mobile phone turned on with the screen on. However, it was not easy to wait until the power on. When she saw the time, she was not good at all.

It's one o'clock in the afternoon!!