One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 4659

Gu Chengze didn't stop. The farther he went, the more miserable the voice behind him became. However, in such a building, no one would care.

This is his Gu family.


Gu Chengze returns home, Bai Zhen falls asleep on the sofa, still holding a book in her hand, obviously looking at it and falling asleep.

The man walked over, picked up the book and put it aside. Bai Zhen was shocked by the sound of his footsteps. He sat up from the sofa and rubbed his bleary eyes.

"You You're back! "


"Is it so late?"

Bai Zhen just responded, sleepless, stood up to look out of the window, it was still bright.

Gu Chengze is already sitting on the sofa, holding her hand and pulling her back to her arms.

"I came back early today."

Bai Zhen suddenly fell into his arms and was caught off guard.

He seldom touched her.

After so long marriage, according to the "promise of a gentleman" before marriage, he said that if he didn't touch her, he would not touch her, and didn't force her to do anything.

This time, however, she took the initiative to hold her.

Bai Zhen didn't have any antipathy. Even for such a intimacy, she couldn't help blushing.


Bai Zhen felt that the distance between the two people was too close. He became shy and couldn't help but turn off the topic. "Are you back so early because the company is not busy?"

"I miss you."

Gu Chengze said softly, "I miss you, so I want to come back early to accompany you."

He seldom said such romantic things.

His heart beat even more.

In fact, she can't stand such sarcastic love talk, but somehow, it's so superficial, and it's so pleasant to say after his mouth.

Bai Zhen was frozen in his arms, so he dared not move.

Seeing her body so rigid, Gu Chengze knew that she was nervous and laughed and said, "Why are you so nervous?"

"I I...... "

She can't always say that she was so close to a opposite sex for the first time since she graduated from primary school to university?

She was embarrassed to say that, with her lips closed, she could not say a word.

Gu Chengze doesn't need her to talk. Now, he just wants to hold her.

Think of, Ye Yuqin is how to treat, for her, it is more distressed, want to make up for her more than a decade of vacancies.

For so many years, it seems that no one loves her. There are only calculations.

"If only I had met you earlier."

If you can meet her in University, have a sweet campus love, and get married after graduation.

Perhaps, at this age, he and she have already had lovely children and a warm and happy family of three.

But, fate is late, but love will not.

Gu Chengze is a bigot.

He believes in love. Similarly, he is a very nostalgic person.

Bai Zhen is the first girl who makes him have the idea of moving.

Although, at that time, I was still young and didn't know any feelings, just pure childhood.

However, with the changes of the years, his missing for her is more. He may have forgotten her outline. If he didn't keep her photo, he would take it out from time to time to have a look. However, he could never forget the name.

When I was a child, I forgot many things. She was the only one who kept them in my heart