One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 250

"I'm sorry, principal," she asked, covering her lips and red eyes! It's all my fault! What hospital is he in? I'll be right there! "

"Well! I'm in the first public hospital. Hurry up! You you little friend, he is not optimistic now. He has had respiratory disease, but he hasn't woke up yet. Anyway, you should be careful on the way. I will take good care of him... "

Before he finished, yunshishi hurriedly picked up the bag, locked the door, and hurried downstairs.

Downstairs, muyazhe is about to start the car. In the rearview mirror, he sees yunshishi hurriedly push the door open and run out. He looks flustered and runs to the gate.

Strangely, he honked his horn twice.


The sound of the car's whistle was very clear, which immediately attracted the attention of Yunshi's poems.

Seeing that it was his car, she rushed over regardless of anything. The door just opened, and she said in a hurry, "take me to the first public hospital, muyazhe!"

"What to do at the hospital?" Asked muyazhe doubtfully.

Yun Shishi's shoulders trembled. She held the bag tightly. Her face was full of self reproach and tension. The color of panic seemed to break into the army!

"You you are in the hospital. I have to go there right away! Now, now... "

Mu Yazhe hears speech, slightly frown, but also did not ask what more, only leaned over, she thought he was going to do what, just to stop, but saw that he was just leaning over, buckle the seat belt for her.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here." He gently escaped a sentence, then started the car, a foot accelerator, the car quickly drove out of the gate.

Yunshishi looks at the man's side face in some consternation, but he sees his angular handsome face cold and tense at the moment. His face is calm and calm. There is no smile in his eyes, but there is no panic. He looks straight ahead.

Although she was worried at the moment, for some reason, she didn't have to be so desperate.

A "don't be afraid, I'm here" seemed to sweep away the uneasiness and fear in her heart. However, when she thought of youyou's pain when she was sick as a child, her heart was once again severely clenched.

At this moment, in the hospital ward, Li Hanlin sat on the small bench at the head of the bed and put down his mobile phone.

On one side, in the hospital bed, he said that the child Youyou, who was "still awake" and "not optimistic about the situation", was sitting on the bed with a calm face, holding a newspaper in his hand.

Seeing that he hung up the fairy tale, he put down the newspaper, put his hands around his chest, leaned against the head of the bed and looked at him seriously. A pair of big black and watery eyes blinked gently. Seeing that he put down his mobile phone, he hurriedly asked: "how to say?"

"I've hung up. I think it's on my way."

Li Hanlin asked again, "Mr. Yun, how did I say just now?"

"There's no problem ahead. But didn't you tell her to be careful on the way? " Yun Tianyou reproved.

What if Mommy comes here in a hurry and runs into danger?

Li Hanlin broke his face and said, "I said it, but I'm afraid she didn't hear it, and then called back, but no one answered."

Yun Tianyou's hands encircled his arms, nodded with a solemn face, and calmly listed a row of formulas in his mind.

It's 30 kilometers from the apartment to the first public hospital. The entrance is the subway. The bus stop is tens of meters away. There's no need to transfer. It's one stop.

It's nine o'clock at the end of the subway. I can't catch up. The bus is too slow. Mommy must have taken a taxi

It's about forty-five minutes.

"When she comes, just do what I say. Don't miss her horse's feet. Show her tension. At best, let her deeply repent."