One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 244

Li Qin's heart is funny. This child, who is very young, is no more than seven years old, but he looks so old. He looks more sophisticated than her qualifications. How does this cloud poem educate children?

She said to her, "you know something about your child. When your mother comes back, we need to talk to her about something!"

Youyou raises her eyes coolly and glances at Liqin. Her fierce eyes seem to be the superior person who has experienced a lot of blood. She is mature and arrogant. She can't help but shrink her subconscious heart. She is afraid of his eyes. Her mouth is closed tightly!

After she thought about it carefully, she always felt something was wrong. She was such a small child, but she had such murderous eyes. It was true It's amazing!

"Don't go around with me. If it's a matter of borrowing money, just say it." Cold and indifferent tone, mixed with a bit of command tone.

Cheng Yizheng and Li Qin look at each other, which is a little incredible. In particular, Cheng's face was embarrassed: "how do you know I came to ask your mother for money?"

"If it's a matter of borrowing, it's easy to leave without sending." Youyou ignored his questions and soon made a guest order.

Yunye Cheng is shocked.

Li Qin is even more angry.

It's hard for her to have a good talk with yunshishi, but she has a nose in the dust here!

Yunye Cheng said: "you you, I'll tell you about it. You don't understand. Nana, who lives in the hospital, is in critical condition. Grandpa doesn't want to, but grandpa has no choice but to find your mother! "

This morning, the hospital called to say that Yunna had an accident and is now in the hospital ward. They hurried to see the person lying on the bed, almost fainted.

Li Qin, in particular, watched Yunna's face destroyed, and was greatly stimulated to make a scene in the hospital, shouting to find out the culprit of her daughter.

However, the hospital did not know the cause and effect of the incident.

The patient was sent to the hospital early in the morning. A mysterious man in a suit paid for all the medical expenses and left in a hurry.

Yunye Cheng finds a doctor to inquire about Yunna. The doctor says bluntly, "your girl's face is ruined!"

There are more than ten holes in the face, and dozens of stitches have been sewed just to sew the wound. I'm afraid this face will not be able to see people in the future.

However, the doctor suggested that it was not completely destroyed. If conditions permit, prepare a few hundred thousand, find an authoritative beauty agency to do a cosmetic surgery, maybe you can restore your appearance.

But hundreds of thousands of words are light. How can the cloud industry today have such a great skill and suddenly hold up so much money?

Li Qin is worried, but Yunna wakes up quietly. After regaining her mind, she seems to know how her face is now. She is crying for life. If she is disfigured, she doesn't want to live.

Cloud industry Cheng is distressed. How could this person be unprovoked? How could he be like this?

Which bastard killed thousands of knives and destroyed her daughter's face? After that, how to make his daughter behave?

Seeing Yunna crying for life and death, Yunye Cheng finally calmed her restless mood. He repeatedly promised that he would do plastic surgery for her and restore her former beauty. Yunna was more stable.