One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 238

Mu Yazhe smiles.

When he mentioned you you, he remembered the child he had never met before.

His son.

"You you? What's its name? "

"Well God bless. " She said slowly, looking at his face.

God bless

With his back against the door, muyazhe murmured a few times and looked at her with deep eyes.

It's a nice name, God bless, God bless

"When he was born, he almost failed to keep it! Maybe God bless, he is so healthy. So, give him that name! "

Cloud poetry explains. He is the father of the child, the name of the child, she felt that she had the obligation to let him know.

"It's a good name, Yun?"

Yunshishi raised her face a little surprised and stared at him with alert eyes. Seeing him, she seemed to ask casually, and said carefully: "Hmm! With my last name... "

"Who does he live with now?" Asked muyazhe.

"Stay with me."

"Didn't live with your father?"

Cloud poetry eyebrows slightly frown, heart suddenly some pain.

Yunye Cheng likes youyou very much. At first, she left her children, including Yunye Cheng, who did not agree with her.

At that time, she was still a student. Her family was down and she was in debt. What was her ability and energy to raise a hungry child? At that time, the price was not cheap, just diapers and milk powder, a month down is not a small expenditure.

What's more, the child's physical condition is not good. Just after birth, he found out the congenital insufficiency of blood supply to the heart. Secondly, he is very weak and suffers from minor diseases.

There is nothing strange in Yunshi's heart!

This brother was born so healthy. Why is his brother so weak?

She once asked the doctor about this situation, but the doctor explained that when the child was born in the mother's womb, because it was the same egg, the two children were competing for nutrition in the mother's womb.

My brother has absorbed enough nutrients, so even if he was born prematurely, he is still very healthy. When he was born, he cried out with a loud voice and full of confidence. Even the doctor who delivered her was amazed!

However, the nutrition absorption of the younger brother in the mother's body is not sufficient. In addition, he was born prematurely in August. When he came out, no matter how the nurse patted his buttocks, he was silent and his face turned purple!

If it wasn't for the experience of the nurse and the weak vital signs of the child, the child would have almost survived.

When youyou is just brought back to Yunjia, Yunye Cheng often frowns at the baby!

This child looks lovely, with big black and white eyes, especially smart. But the conditions at home don't allow it. Isn't this delaying the child?

Fortunately, when youyou was older, he showed the intelligence and cleverness that ordinary children can't reach. Yunye Cheng changed his outlook on this child and poured more love into him.

But his love, no doubt caused Li Qin and Yunna hate.

A cloud poem has taken half of Cheng's love from cloud industry. Now, I don't know where a "little wild seed" emerges. Where can Yunna stop? So three days and two ends, no less bullying yuntianyou.

Once upon a time, yunshishi came home late. Just after entering the house, he saw youyou holding the toy crushed by Yunna and sitting in the corner with a lost face.

Seeing her coming back, she pouted bitterly and said, "Mommy, are you not good? Grandma and aunt don't like you you... "