One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 234

Yunshishi is a little wooden. His hands are all at a loss. He doesn't know where to put them. He is stranded on his chest and clenches his fists nervously.

This man is always on the top, like a powerful overlord, always rough, can not be refused!

However, now the sudden tenderness, but she did not respond.

On the one hand, it's cold, it's bullying.

On the one hand, it is gentle and caring, as if holding her in the palm.

Which is the real him?

Cloud poetry some indistinct direction!

He is addicted to it, and she is also deeply involved in this tender feeling, which is hard to recall.

Gradually, she knew how to respond slowly.

At the end of the kiss, the two faces separated slowly, but her body seemed to be soft, and all her limbs lost their strength, paralyzed in his chest.

Muyazhe looked down at her. At present, her eyes were as beautiful as silk, her cheeks were red, and she was pure as an irresistible thing. So beautiful, especially those beautiful peach blossom eyes, she was intoxicated. Even if he didn't drink, he couldn't help but feel that he was intoxicated. She was intoxicated in her eyes.

Such a woman, let any man have no resistance.

Even he couldn't resist the look.

He stroked her back neck and said, "no, leave me."


"No, leave me."

He murmurs, but his voice is low. If he doesn't listen quietly, he can't even hear clearly. He's talking to himself.

Cloud poetry frowned, thin lips slightly open, not to say anything, but the man first she spoke.

"No rejection."


That domineering muyazhe is back.

It seems that the man with tender feelings in his eyes just now is just a dream of her!

Without waiting for her reaction, the man was up and went out in a bathrobe.

Cloud poetry wrong God, lying down in the bath, a comfortable sigh.

She found out that the bathroom could be as big as her two bedrooms! Lying in such a big bath, I feel very comfortable. I wish I had been lying down like this.

However, it suddenly occurred to her that it was not early. She should have gone back earlier, so she hurriedly followed her up!

However, she just stepped out of the bathtub. Her feet were soft and almost fell to the ground.

Muyazhe looked back at her and made a mockery of her lips. "Why can't you even stand stably?"

Yunshishi bit his lips, and the man said, "if it wasn't for his energy and hard work, how could she end up in such a mess?"?

In the bathtub for a while, but the body is still sour and painful, the heart will be the mu Yazhe resentment several times.

However, how could she say it? She just gave him a look of hate and walked slowly to the bathroom.

Looking at the thin back, muyazhe suddenly felt pity in his heart.

How could this woman be so thin? When he did it with her, he was even careful at all times, for fear that he would accidentally break her bones!

It's not a good thing women are too thin! A little fat, a little meat on the body, it's comfortable to hold. At least, it's not cadmium.

However, thin back to thin, perhaps through the relationship of lactation, body or a bit of material!

Where does yunshishi know what this man is talking about? She only feels that his eyes are shining on her. She feels uncomfortable all over!