One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 232

"You look like a child, muyazhe."

"Shut up!" Muyazhe said coldly with a stiff face.

"OK, I know what you mean. Don't you just want me to say, Gu Xingze is not handsome without you, gentle without you and family background? You are so serious. You are really like a kindergarten kid. Are you really twenty-eight? "

Muyazhe gave her a cold stare, took hold of her chin and bit her hard: "a sharp toothed little thing!"

Poor time very poor, hateful time so hateful!

"Can you let me go? Master mu? " Cloud poetry turned away and said, "if you do this again, I'll be tossed away by you!"

"It's best if it's abandoned." Muyazhe said coldly, but he let go of her. He leaned back and leaned back lazily.

Yunshishi rubs his wrists in a bad way. This man is really big. He usually wears a good-looking person, but he can't see that the figure wrapped in a suit is so strong.

However, before she could sit down with a sigh of relief, the man stretched his arm a little, ran over her waist, pulled her back to his chest and splashed with water.

Yun Shishi falls on his chest unprepared and glares at him angrily.

Looking at her, muyazhe suddenly felt that it was this girl, even the eyes of gouging out people were so lovely!

"To keep his role, yes. But... "

Yunshishi looks at him by accident. In the middle of his speech, he stops abruptly! "But what!?"

"I will talk to Lin Fengtian then!"

Mu Yazhe said, "green fruit" this movie, although the biggest investor is not the Huanyu side, but it does not mean that he has no say in the selection of the movie angle!

This film was reported to the General Administration of film by Huanyu for filing. The initial preparation fund was also invested by Huanyu Group. Lin Fengtian asked Gu Xingze to play, which was also approved by him!

After all, he is a capitalist. Investing in movies is also a business. Naturally, he won't lose money in business!

Gu Xingze has a box office appeal that can't be underestimated. If he plays the leading actor, at least half of the box office will be held up!

But he didn't expect yunshishi to play the heroine. At first, he didn't get involved in the actress's casting. However, the interaction between Gu Xingze and her at the reception last night was too much.

He is a businessman, but also a man. He has put Yun's poems under his name in his mind, so naturally he doesn't want any other men to covet her.

As a man, how could he not see that Gu Xingze was too interested in cloud poetry?

Is this the respect of the elder to the younger?

This is clearly a man's attempt to a woman!

Muyazhe already had plans in mind.

However, later, when Lin Fengtian received the "three rules and regulations" proposed by mu Yazhe, the whole person was in disorder in the wind!

At first, he thought that it was moyazhe who wanted to take care of Yunshi poetry. He didn't think about it, so he promised. Don't say that he will take good care of the new man!

Because, he is also very recognized the potential of the new infinite!

However, when he read out the first few of the three rules, his blood rushed up in a moment!

What is this shit?!

In the list listed by muyazhe, the first three are: "one: no kissing. 2: No sex. 3: No hugging. Four...... "