One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 228

Yun Shishi stretches out his hand and pushes the man hard, but the man just stands in place like Mount Tai, letting her push and shove without moving.

The heart is decadent. She hated the man who had made her life a mess, but had nothing to do with him!

"Take it, take it all! Don't torture me any more! "

Yunshishi holds her head, leans against the window and falls to the ground, buries her face deeply in her arms, cries loudly, and releases the humiliation, resentment, unwillingness and despair accumulated in her heart like a child.

"Muyazhe, I hate you. I hate you the most..."

At that time, he was at a loss.

Heart, born to hurt, flustered, flustered to the extreme, he made her cry, the unexpected collapse made him unprepared.

He was so long that he stood, looking down at her with some confusion, and did not know what to do.

How can this woman cry when she says she is crying? She cried so bitterly and despairingly. It seems that all the defenses have collapsed and exposed the real appearance in front of him at a glance!

But what should he do with her?

Is he wrong?

Is he wrong?

He just wanted to build a city, confine her in the city, and give her all kinds of material, whether it's glorious or rich, or unlimited love, but he just hated other men thinking about her!

He just wanted to hide her from anyone.

Is that also wrong?

What should I do?

Mu Yazhe's eyebrows and heart slightly twisted, and his heart was choking with pain. He never shed a tear. Even in the cruelest special training camp, he was scarred and never shed a tear.

The coldness, like him, has never hurt anyone. However, the woman cried in front of him and broke up in disorder, which made his heart hurt unprepared.

"Don't cry!"

He stopped, but Yun Shishi didn't care about him at all. His hoarse cry seemed to accuse him of his coldness.

He held his forehead and women's tears impatiently. They were always the trump card of men's surprise. They could not resist it.

He is not the same, see her crying, heart in pain, but he was at a loss.

Never coax a woman, do you want to coax her like Xiaoyi Chen?

When Xiaoyi Chen was a little younger, he was most afraid of pain. When ill, especially afraid of needles, when needles, crying more than.

He would hold him in his arms, kiss his face, so coax, he would not cry.

Lower body, long arm a stretch, then easily will she fished in the bosom.

In the past, this woman should be struggling fiercely, rejecting him and fleeing him!

But now, no! Her body was so soft that he could hold it in his chest, but she didn't struggle too much, but she didn't stop crying.

She only buried her face low, and the cry was still surging. She rubbed her eyes and saw that she did not look like a 24-year-old woman at all, but rather like a weak and helpless little girl. She was so pitiful that people felt pity for her!

Muyazhe holds her in his arms and sits on the bed, holding her in his arms like Xiaoyi Chen.

A man's chest, very spacious, a chest, an arm bend, she achieved willful and crying world.

Muyazhe lowered his head, stroked the tears for her, bowed his head and kissed her on the lips, and said: "don't cry, eh?"

She was still crying, so emotional, so sad, as if the sky was falling apart.