One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 208

It's really a misestimation of the girl. She was compared to a cat. Now I think it's a beautiful and charming poppy. It's hard to help but sink deeper and deeper into it!

Yunshishi was frightened by the sudden action. She was a little bit embarrassed and more frightened. She pushed his chest hard. However, her weak power was not worth mentioning to the once trained muyazhe.

Her wrist was tied in one hand.

"Let go Let go of me! Muyazhe! "

Yun Shishi panted low and stared at him angrily, but he was unmoved.

Close to her lips, he raised his eyebrows. "What? Don't you know me, eh? "


The man's sexy low smile lingers in her ear, deceiving her viciously, opening her thin lips and biting her shoulder belt gently with white teeth.

As soon as he bit, pulled and shook his head, his neat forehead and hair crossed her cheek, the button was loosened by him, and his clothes fell to half of her shoulder, revealing her white and round shoulder.

Muyazhe hugged her back neck, and the tip of her tongue sketched her neck with unbridled abandon. She sniffed with infatuation. On the pure snow jade skin, there was the fragrance of bath gel, as well as the natural fragrance of her young girl.

Yunshishi is completely frightened, but his hands are tied by him. His voice is trembling, and he feels wronged, "don't Don't be here! "


A word, then blocked all her voice.

She felt both shy and embarrassed, which had embarrassed her. Now she was still in the car, she was so sensitive that she shivered.

This man's physical strength is always amazing. Now, the car is parked on the road. At the thought of other cars passing by at any time, if you can see this scene, she would like to dig a hole to bury the blushing face!

What she didn't know was that muyazhe had already ordered people to block the long mountain road, and there would be no traffic at all for a while.

He cares more about her being coveted by others than herself!

But she did not know, into a panic.

Why does she always have no resistance in front of this man and let him kill her?

The heart felt a burst of despair, eyes a sour, unexpectedly fell sad tears!

However, muyazhe thought that her appearance was more attractive. The crystal eyes and silent eyes made him want to bully her severely!

At present, the delicate white body makes the heart beat faster. In the breeze with the fragrance of Begonia, the beautiful scenery under the moon is even more beautiful.

Mu Yazhe's eyes were narrow, and his deep eyes were stained with a few threads of gloom. He draped a wide suit over his body, covering her whole body.

Under the cover of the moon, I took her in this car.

That suffocating strangulation, her delicate plea for mercy, like a current string through the back, let his body immediately tense.

Lowering his head, he took the charming neck and put her hand around his shoulder.

Yun Shishi's mouth was firmly clenched, and he swallowed all the uneasiness and humiliation. It seems that muyazhe is dissatisfied with her introvert. She breathes in her ear like LAN, "call my name."

Yun Shishi gasped heavily and held his shoulder. His face was already full of tears. Yu Guang looks at the man who still appears to be conceited. He is so ashamed and angry that he cannot help himself.

The voice of the devil is still in the ear,

"call my name! I like to hear your voice. "