One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 197

After Allen confirmed and destroyed the materials about yunshishi and yuntianyou, she ignored him and avoided him, only when that day did not exist.

Alan asked heartily, "if I have no use value, you will abandon me. Still, my heart is not firm enough, you don't believe me... "

"Shut up!"

Mu Wanrou said helplessly: "I can't leave him. Please give up. There's no way between us! "

Between them is just a section of evil love that can't be seen. Although it has sprouted, she will kill it in the cradle.

"Wan Rou, I never ask for fame. I just want to be with you, even if I can't see the light, I'm not afraid! "

"Don't you have not seen the means of muyashen. You are really willing to betray him for my sake?" Mu Wanrou's face moved, obviously thinking of something.

This Alan, there's something to use.

It's better to make use of it several times. Yun's poems haven't been completely eradicated. She's short of people.

"For you, I am willing to go up to the mountain and down to the sea of fire, even if I go through fire and water."

"Really?" Mu Wanrou's eyes flashed with pure light, and he smiled with a measured smile. Then he pretended to be weak and said, "are you willing to do anything for me?"

"Well! Yes. " Alan nodded heavily.

"That's good!" Mu Wanrou hates the way, "yunshishi, a woman, has always been a thorn in my eye. Get rid of her for me. I want her to be ruined!"

Alan's eyes flashed with blood like a servant bewitched by a witch. Even in the abyss before his eyes, he risked his life for her.

"Wan Rou, what should I do? What do you want me to do?"

"Tonight, the senior management of the company called to see her and sent the woman to Director Li's bed for me. Remember, make it seamless and clean! "

Ellen nodded heavily, his eyes firm.

"I must keep her from turning over!"

Mu Wanrou said maliciously, turned to a charming smile, pushed open the door of a suite, leaned against the door, and hooked his fingers at him.

Alan was obsessed and walked over.

With a playful smile, Mu Wan put his hand to Alan's shoulder, led him into the room, and turned to see the door closed. Now, the room belongs to them.

With a charming smile, the woman grabbed his shoulder, stood on tiptoe, kissed his thin lips, and breathed like blue: "Alan, hold me tight, quick..."

She seemed to be impatient. She had never touched one of his fingers. She even doubted whether there was any hidden disease in him.

It wasn't until six years ago that woman conceived her child that she realized that he just didn't want to touch her.

Must have been unprepared, right?

Mu Wanrou's heart is not willing, vows to seize his heart sooner or later.

There is no smoke of the war, she is bound to get.

Under her encouragement, Alan got excited. It turned out that she really had him in her heart. She must have some feelings for him. Otherwise, she would not have this second time!

Two people sink into a happy world.

Outside the door, a man in a straight suit listened to a burst of delicate gasps coming from the door, and then he pressed the stop button of the recording pen in his hand.

He pushed the frame glasses on the bridge of his nose, and his heroic face was full of disgust and contempt.

"The boss is right. This Alan has been rebellious!"

He played with the recording pen in his hand and sneered. "Well, good evidence."

Then he turned around and left.