One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 192

In the infirmary, Gu Xingze's assistant Jin Yufu landed at Jingtian's door and walked in, only to find the nearest hospital bed full of blood.

In bed, lies a comatose woman.

Jinyu was frightened by the terrible scene: "ah, what's the matter with this man?"

She didn't recognize the poor woman in front of her, because the man in bed had been totally different.

She doesn't know, but Lu Jingtian knows her identity.

Does Yunna's success come from her hands?

Her face was covered with blood stains. Despite the hemostasis measures, the wound was still covered with blood. It was a tragedy.

The infirmary did a simple treatment, such as Yunna, or to enter the hospital for treatment.

It's totally different. It's really different.

For a woman with such a face, life is a total ruin.

A wine party completely ruined her bright future.

Lu Jingtian started very hard, but he didn't expect that, in a fit of anger, he caused such a consequence. At that time, he was a little frightened and regretted it.

So when I pushed the door in and saw Yunna's miserable appearance, I felt a little guilty.

She didn't mean to hurt people, but this woman was too shameless. She was angry again and lost her mind. When she came back to her mind, her face had been destroyed.

Although it's small, it's sharp enough. The blood on the face is not so deep, but there is a lot of blood flowing. A dozen scratches are crisscrossing, so it looks shocking.

However, she has already called her father, and will send someone to deal with it soon.

Presumably, when the east window incident happened, it would only pay hundreds of thousands of compensation at most. Settle down the family's mood and put the spotlight on it. That's how it went.

If Yunna wants to make a big deal, she will buy a double to carry the black pot for her, and this will be the end of the matter.

It's easy to deal with a powerless master.

Lu Jingtian said to Jin Yu, "please call an ambulance for me. It's too disgusting to stay here."

"All right." Jinyu didn't know the mystery, so she contacted the ambulance.

Jin Yu went out of the door and dialed the emergency number.

Lu Jingtian's foot must have been broken. Jin Yu knew it well.

It's strange that we should not give up such a high heel.

When there was no one in the room, Lu Jingtian boldly went to the bedside and raised the person on the bed with her tiptoe. She didn't respond. She frowned and was worried about her life. She remembered that when she just taught the woman a lesson, she kicked several key points and won't die?

She stretched out her hand, explored her nose, and noticed her rapid breath, which relieved her breath.

"Bitch, don't blame me for being cruel. It's your fault. You deserve it!"

The voice just fell, she just wanted to take back her hand, but her wrist was suddenly held tightly by the bloody hand!

Lu Jingtian breathed and stared.

The person on the bed suddenly suddenly opens his eyes. His face is ferocious. His eyes are huge and red with blood. It's like a fierce ghost from purgatory. It's terrible!

"I want to kill Kill you! Kill you! "

Yunna seemed to wake up from a nightmare, strangled Lu Jingtian's wrist, gnashed her teeth and said, "I I will not let you go as a ghost! Ah -- "

" let go! Damn... "