One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 175

"Well! What I said is true. I swear to God! " Yunna said, and even solemnly raised her hand, vowing.

"Well, I believe you!" Li Jiuxian said with a smile.

Yunna is grateful for the rain.

Li Jiuxian then said angrily, "this cloud poem is too much. You are her sister, and your father has nurtured her. How could she harm you so much?"

"Wuwuwu......" Yunna pretends to be stabbed in the pain, crying with tears.

But I'm a little proud.

She thought that Li Jiuxian would not believe her, but now it seems that this Li Jiuxian is also a silly boy. He has no intention and is very simple.

As long as he protects her, she can leave today!

"She looks simple, but she has a deep mind. I don't know what kind of ecstasy she's got. All the men are around her. " Her words, is to provoke a number of women angry!

Just at the meeting place, Gu Xingze showed her favor and everyone saw her.

This woman, is simply the reincarnation of the fox son, how any man is protecting her, I wish I could hold her in the palm of my hand!

"Don't cry, your eyes are swollen! Everything will pass. A woman like her will sooner or later suffer from her own misfortune! " Li Jiuxian gently patted her on the shoulder and comforted her constantly.

"Thank you, brother Jiuxian." Yunna sobbed thanks.

Her face was crimson, her eyes glistened with tears, and she looked at him pitifully, as if she had hit the softest part of his heart.

Yang Mi at one side didn't expect Li Jiuxian to protect such a new person everywhere.

Does Li Jiuxian like such a tune?

"It's like this. Who knows if you're trying to climb into someone's bed?"

Lu Jingtian said bluntly on the one hand, "no woman in this circle, for the sake of upper position, is unscrupulous! Come on, get out of here. I'll lose my appetite if I see you like this. "

Li Jiuxian frowns and wants to refute, but Yang Mi stares back.

This fool, don't even want a job for a woman?

Who is Lu Jingtian?

It is the daughter of a major shareholder of Huanyu entertainment. Huanyu entertainment is his brokerage company and his food and clothing parent. Angered the eldest lady and said that if you want to kill her, there is no room.

Nowadays, Li Jiuxian is very popular. The rumors about his relationship with Yang Mi are very hot. When they are in full swing, she must protect him.

"Who played you..." Yang Mi blurts out and stops abruptly. Knowing that the words are inappropriate, she immediately corrects, "who made you look like this?"

At this point, Yunna looks embarrassed.

Is this Yang Mi trying to find her embarrassment?

Yang Mi asked, and the party immediately became interested.

Yes, I really want to know who has such a strong taste. Look at the pinching and kissing marks on Yunna's upper and lower body. It looks like the battle is extremely fierce!

"Yes, who made you like this?"

"No It can't be said. I dare not say... "

At the thought of Yang orcheng's previous bestiality and the horrible picture just now, Yunna could not help shivering again.

Fear is real fear.

Yang orcheng and he Lingxiang are like birds of a feather. They are very fierce when playing with women. They are just in the room. Their skeletons will be scattered when they are playing with excitement.

It's terrible