One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 153

Through the dim moonlight, she could vaguely tell that it seemed to be a luxurious presidential suite.

Luxurious and gorgeous decoration, European arch decorated with roses, and expensive Saxon carpet, you can see the king size bed that can hold five people at a glance,

the windows and doors are slightly open, and the evening wind comes in with fresh air, setting off the crimson curtains and flying.

"Eh? Did you go wrong... "

She turned hurriedly, but the door was firmly shut.

When Yunshi is surprised, he reaches out to hold the handle and twists it, but it can't open it.

The door's locked?

Cloud poetry in the heart of a surprised, flustered at the time, hard to clap the door: "is there anyone? How is the door locked? Is there anyone outside? "

No response.

She had severe night blindness. She couldn't tell the direction in the dark. After groping for a while and still couldn't find the switch, she gave up.

The stillness of the room really made her feel insecure.

Cloud poetry vaguely discerns the direction, touches the ground and walks to the floor window, raises the hand to draw the curtain to the big open, the bright moonlight pours in.

At the same time, she was acutely aware of some strange movement behind him, as if there was a second person in the room.

Yun Shishi holds her breath and concentrates. In the dark, she hears a calm step coming to her not far behind her. At the same time, she feels a strong sense of aggression.

She wanted to turn around immediately, but the next second, a cold hand quickly covered her eyes.

Without waiting for her struggle and resistance, her hands were easily bound and could no longer move.

Next to her, a tall body bullied her and oppressed her in front of the window.

The bare back outside the dress is tightly attached to the cold window.

She took a breath of cool air in a flash.

Cloud poetry was shocked, and he wanted to ask who he was.

Before she could make a sound, two hot and soft lips blocked all her voices and ravaged her lips severely.

It's a man with a tall body. She can reach his chest. He's aggressive, just like a monster. He doesn't give her a chance to react, so he invades.

Yun Shishi felt embarrassed. He struggled to turn around and raised his head abruptly. However, when he saw those attractive eyes, he was immediately stunned.

By the dim moonlight, her eyes reflect the cold handsome face of moyazhe, the cold facial features, the profound outline, and the amazing beauty!

It was the first time she had looked at him so closely.

His eyes are extremely narrow and long, which will add some soul grabbing flavor to them.

And those two lashes are thick and slender, just like the black phoenix feather, which is more and more profound and charming.

men have a very elegant fragrance, not just the smell of perfume, but also a special male sex appeal.

Yunshishi stared at him in a daze. For a while, he was at a loss. His back was tightly attached to the cold window, but the chill from his skin was far less than the cold temperature from the bottom of his eyes.

He looks so dignified and arrogant, just like the overlord.

The two men's bodies were closely attached together. He held her by the waist, forced her to stick to his chest, lowered his head and vaguely bullied her, slightly lowered his eyes, and slightly pecked at her lips.