One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 1048

Seeing that she has been staring at herself up and down, her eyes are full of the meaning of doubt, Mo Chengan smiles, raises his head and looks at her, and Yun Shishi is stunned and takes back his eyes unnaturally.

In his capacity, he has been exposed to a variety of women, including many kinds of amorous, pure and lovely, more sexy and charming.

But at present, this girl really doesn't know how to define it.

On loveliness, she has a very sexy body, but between the eyebrows and eyes is so aloof. Her eyes are narrow and charming, but they are pure and pure.

She sat on the sofa so quietly, dressed in a white blanket, all wet, a hair like seaweed was drenched, the whole person was not in a mess.

Her right cheek was red and swollen, and the corner of her lips was even scarred. There were bruises on her slightly exposed shoulders. Her clothes were disordered, and her neckline was torn. It looked like she had been raped.

He roughly learned some objective information from the servants in the villa. He also learned that the girl seemed to be a new comer in the entertainment circle. He didn't pay attention to the entertainment circle and naturally didn't know who she was.

She called the police. It was a surrender.

From the servant, I learned that the girl was dragged by Li Dongliang to take the villa.

At that time, it seemed that he didn't want to. Soon, he had to run downstairs with blood in his hands to call the police.

The hidden rules of entertainment?

He guessed so!

It's common to send women to sleep with producers, big bosses or investors.

These days, if the new comers are not highly praised, they can only rely on the hot gossip and gimmicks.

Most of the young girls who have just entered the circle are not famous.

In general, no brokerage company is willing to take the risk to invest in packaging.

Of course, if you are willing to pay a little price in exchange, it is another matter.

He has also met with such things, but most of them are things that you love me.

A few years ago, a small model rushed to the police station to report the case, accusing a famous investor of forcing / exploding himself and asking the police to put the case on file for investigation.

Another of his colleagues is in charge of the case.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with it. Later, under the pressure from some aspects, this matter was soon suppressed, and it was so over.

And the little model who was unknown was later successfully praised as a front-line female artist. Now her career is in full swing.

In this materialistic era, how can a small civilian fight against those who have the right, the power and the status?

Seeing that he looked at himself with unbridled eyes, yunshishi was a little uneasy and lowered her eyebrows. A beautiful little face couldn't cover her tired face. She slowly held the tea cup, and the warm hot tea drove away some cold air. She took a sip, but the bitter taste of the tea made her frown.

Mo Chengan smiled and said, "it's not any superior tea. You can make do with it."

Yun Shishi sips her lips, but she has never drunk tea before. She is not used to the taste for a while.

Mo Chengan looked at her again and asked, "you don't look like an adult. How old are you this year?"

As he said this, he opened the interrogation record again and held the signature pen. However, he saw that yunshishi was stunned for a long time and didn't answer. He picked up the tip of his brow and looked at her with some doubts.