One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 1046

A pain in cloud poetry.

She knew that moyazhe had a high position and was very rich. She was also a talented person.

She knew better that a woman of her background could not be matched?

However, she still has such a weak hope in her heart. She desperately wants to be closer to him, closer

So, she just wants to make herself better and become a woman worthy of him, that's all!

She once admired Yazhe only for a moment. Maybe one day in the future, he suddenly felt bored with her, lost interest in her, and coldly pushed her out of his world.

, but she thought of his care for her, her concern for her, and his affection for her, though it was as beautiful as a bubble, but it was broken when it touched, but it really existed.

Holding hands with him, I feel like I have the whole world.

He is so important to her!

Then, she will be as important to him!

The voice of cloud poetry is empty and broken, "I am very important to him! He is my man and the only man in my life! "

Li Dongliang's eyes narrowed dangerously, furious.

What can muyazhe give her? What can he not afford?!

Why is this woman so uninteresting?

All of them are women in the society. They are still so unintelligible and so lofty, which makes his heart sick.


Looking at her face, Li Dongliang was ready to move.

This is a face that I have been thinking about for many years.

Every time he thought of Mu Qingcheng, which he had been pursuing for so long and could not touch, and looked at this unique face, his heart itched.

The face in his mind overlaps with the poem in front of him slowly. Li Dongliang only feels hot in his head and holds her face in his hands with blood red in his eyes. He kisses her crazily with his head down like he hasn't touched a woman for decades.

Yunshishi's heart beat suddenly missed a beat, felt his extraordinarily hot breath, looked at the face close to him, and trembled violently. His hands clenched against his shoulders and beat them, shrieking sadly: "let me go! Let go of me!! Go away! "

"Shit, bitch son, don't be disrespectful!" Li Dongliang was upset. There was no place for him to vent. Seeing that the woman resisted so badly, he became angry immediately!

No one likes to dawdle on such a thing. The most painful thing is to slow down.

He was worried. He grabbed her skirt and tore it off with his wrist.

Hearing the voice of clothes bursting, Yun Shishi was scared stiff as a stone. His hands were so flustered that he tore clothes and refused desperately. He cried in a hoarse voice: "scum! Li Dongliang, you scum

"Damn it! Be honest with me! I don't believe I can't make a woman? "

Li Dongliang was so angry that he had no sense in his hand and pushed her to the ground. She turned over and straddled on her body. Her hands groped about her irregularly, roaring like a wild animal.

Yun Shishi cried out in pain, only thinking that this push, the back and the back of the brain hit the ground, as if to hit her whole soul.

She breathed painfully, opened her eyes painfully, and saw the scissors falling to one side. Her face was pale and colorless for a moment!

Looking at the man sitting on his body, yunshishi fumbled with his right hand, and finally held the scissors firmly in his hand, cried desperately and stabbed him severely!