One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 1042

The belt pulled out a blood mark in yunshishi's arm. She stumbled under her feet and stepped back several steps, but accidentally knocked down the chair and fell to the ground.

The back and back of the head and the cold and hard marble ground collide violently, accompanied by a concussion of pain, the front of a whirling!

"Damn it! Bitch, do you really dare to open a dye shop for me? Huh?! "

Li Dongliang scolds the vulgar words and approaches her step by step. At the same time, he roars and tears his clothes. His face shows a obscene smile. He takes off his suit pants in a rage and almost pours at her like a hungry wolf!

Yunshishi screamed, rolled around the ground in a panic, and tried to get up from the ground in a hurry, but he pulled the ends of his hair and yanked back.

There was a sharp pain of numbness coming from the scalp. The ferocious strength did not show mercy at all. I felt that she was about to be uncovered!

Cloud poetry low cry, tears not Ding cold pan wet eyes!

Li Dongliang put his arm around her shoulder, turned over and pressed her under her body, and sat on her body. He smiled and slapped her cheek with his rough hand. There was extreme dissatisfaction in his words!

"Yunshishi, I can tell you that today, I am going to decide on you! Don't be disrespectful! You think, this circle is you want to mix, have a beautiful face to be able to rise to the sky step by step?! ha-ha! Don't be naive! In this circle, where can you go

"Let go of me!"

"Let go of you?! ha-ha! What are you dreaming about! "

Li Dongliang stared at the face as if it were a delicate one, and roughly kneaded her waist with his big palm. His smooth and tight touch made him feel comfortable and comfortable! Damn, this skin is not so soft!

It's not thanks to my effort to get this girl!

Yunshishi's hands are dead against his chest and glares at him. His long and narrow eyes are full of water. They are full of mist. They are charming!

Li Dongliang was interested, but he saw the hostile eyes on his face and smiled.

"What? You don't want to? Yes? Cloud poetry, is it hard for you to follow me? Are you still suffering losses? "

As he said this, he reached out his hand and felt for her collar. He grabbed her lapel and tore at it.

Yun Shishi is shocked and holds his hand to death to prevent him from succeeding!

During the pull, her nails cut the back of his hand!

Li Dongliang's pain was so intense that in a rage, he gave her a big slap!

The strength of this slap is only heavy but not light.

Yunshishi's face was knocked to the side, and the corner of his lips was knocked on his teeth. Under a dull pain, he broke the mouth, and a bloody smell overflowed between his lips and teeth.

She was ashamed, angry, painful and afraid. Her nose was slightly sour, but she was brave enough not to drop a tear!

Li Dongliang was also very angry. He had no good face on his face. He grabbed her by the neck, but he couldn't let it out, which made him more impatient!

He came close to her face with cold face, bit her cheek fiercely, and shouted angrily in her ear, "Damn it! Unknowable things! Why can't you give it to me if you can give it to another man? Obviously despised me? "