One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 1038

Turning around, muyazhe, with a look in his eyes, made way for her. Muxi ran to her side and gasped, "what about poetry?"

The lobby manager is more and more strange, but he dare not ask more.

Muxi bit his teeth, turned his eyes to him, and asked anxiously, "I ask you where! Where are the people? "

The manager was about to cry. "I really don't know who" yunshishi "is!"

Mu Yazhe narrowed his eyes dangerously. "Who is it? Then I'll tell you now, that's my woman! "

The lobby manager turned pale in a flash.

He turned around and ordered the counter to look up the customer information about "yunshishi".

Muxi can't care much about it. "There's a dinner party between universal pictures and universal entertainment today! Li Dongliang! Li Dongliang, you should know?! Have you met him? "

Speaking of Li Dongliang, he thought of it. He quickly said with fear: "Mr. Li has just left. It seems that he took a woman away, but there is little desire I'm so sorry. I don't know where he took people! "

"How long have you been away?"

"For a moment, a quarter of an hour!"

Mu Xi asked what else, but Yu Guang saw that mu Yazhe suddenly turned around and walked to the gate, too late to think about it. She quickly followed him, "president Mu, try to find a way, Yun Shishi must have been taken away by Li Dongliang..."

"Shut up!"

In his heart, muyazhe was fretting, and his tone could not help but increase.

Mu Xi was so scared that he shivered all over, and he never dared to speak again.

He took out his cell phone and dialed the assistant's number. As soon as the phone was connected, he ordered coldly, "find out what Li Dongliang is doing now. Now, immediately, immediately, in addition, let the Minister of public relations of Huanyu give me a call!"

"Yes! Less admiration! "

Muyazhe hangs up and gets on the bus.

Muxi stood outside the car door, his hands tangled together. He was very worried, but he was afraid to get on the car!

Muyazhe glanced at her, rubbed his eyebrows with his long fingers, and suddenly said, "get on the bus!"

Mu Xi is stunned, returns to the spirit, nods and gets on the car.

The car sped all the way.

Along the way, the atmosphere in the car was extremely depressing.

Mu Xi can feel that the extremely terrible low pressure on mu Yazhe's body is almost invisible.

She did not dare to speak or even breathe. She carefully looked at his cold side face and looked straight ahead.

The face of a man is cold, and the cold and quiet Phoenix eyes are just like looking at the endless abyss.

The sharp edges and corners of the facial features are usually hidden in the shadow, which is more and more profound and delicate.

She's afraid that he is very worried about yunshishi now, right?

In this very quiet moment, the cell phone ring suddenly rings, and Muxi is shocked by the cold.

Muyazhe glanced sideways at her and answered the phone without expression. "Hello."

"Mr. mu? I'm Kong Xiaoqian. " At that end, there was a very sweet voice, "I didn't expect you to remember me! How can you think of me today? "

Mu Yazhe slightly pulled up the corner of his lips, but he seemed to smile. If Kong Xiaoqian saw the expression on his face now, he would be shocked.

"How is your father?"

Kong Xiaoqian replied sweetly: "very good! Fu of tomus, my father has started to develop the East Bay project! "