One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 1035

"Oh? So what do you want? Ha ha, I can give it to you! "

As he spoke, he approached her slowly, as if he were a beast that had been aiming at its prey, and his eyes were full of aggression. "Don't you want to be the heroine of Qing Guo? I'll give it to you? how!? You know, the role was originally set by Lin Zhi! You just saw how hard she tried to win the role! But as long as you serve me well, as long as I say a word, this role will be spent on your head, OK? "

Yun Shishi kept retreating, his back almost stuck on the door, and his breath became more and more urgent.

"Or is one role not enough? What do you want, say it, diamond? villa? Or Luxury car? I can't afford it! As long as you do well! "

He reached out to touch her cheek.

Yun Shishi suddenly waved his hand and screamed, "get out of the way! Don't touch me. Even if I want that role, I will fight for it with my strength! "

"Hahaha!" As if hearing Tianda's joke, Li Dongliang smiled ferociously.

"Strength!? You say you need your own strength to fight for it!? Cloud poetry, you are a little naive! "

"Darling, I will not hurt you! On the contrary, I will give you a lot of love. " Li Dongliang was next to her, laughing more and more greedily? Cloud poetry, be my lover! I can give you everything you want! Wealth! Status, even rights! Whatever you want, I can hold it in front of you! "

"Go away! Go away! " Yunshishi pushed his hands randomly, "I don't care what you said! Roll! Let me off! "

"What? Not enough? " Li Dongliang snorted coldly, the smile on his face suddenly stopped, and his face was gloomy. "Cloud poetry, I advise you not to be greedy! I've never had much patience with women! "

Hearing the words, Yun Shishi suddenly felt that they were too harsh. Subconsciously, he suddenly raised his hand and gave him a slap.

Li Dongliang was so cold that he got such a slap. He was so stunned and stared at her with his face covered. It seemed that he didn't think this woman had such courage!

Yunshishi also realized what he had done under the impulse, and took back his hand in a daze, holding the hot palm of his hand, and tightly clenched the lip.

The street view outside the window behind me keeps flying.

Li Dongliang finally had an expression on his face for a long time. After returning to his senses, he laughed angrily. "Yun Shishi, how dare you beat me?!"

Yunshishi looked up and said, "Mr. Li, do you think you misunderstood something? At first, I thought I needed to talk about an important film. But I didn't expect this to wait for me! In that case, I don't think we have anything to talk about! My work has come to an end. It's my honor that you are willing to take me home! But if you don't want to, you can put me on the side of the road! As for your lover, diamond, villa, ha ha! Will I be rare? Even if I like it, muyazhe will give it to me. You don't need to do it! "

Li Yunshi said with a smile, "how many moyashe can there be in the capital?"

Although not willing to move out, but now, in order to protect herself, she has to do so!

Li Dongliang's eyebrows and heart are more and more tight? You mean, that kid from the emperor Sheng financial group