One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 1033

Li Quan sighed and said, "Muxi, stop making trouble! Yunshishi has gone back to the company. Don't you stay here. Don't you have to work tomorrow? "

This cloud poem is the girl Li Dongliang wants. Kong Xiaoqian had a good relationship with him before. How can she take people away?

Besides, can Li Dongliang be such a character that she can provoke?

"Really?" Mu Xi looked at him doubtfully. "She's back to the company?"

Li Quan nodded his head and said, "yes! Otherwise? It's just gone! "

Seeing Muxi's suspicion, he pushed her to the parking lot and said, "let's go. It's just the right way. I'll take you home!"

Mu Xi let him hold his arm, but he looked back three times, looking at the door of the hotel, which was more and more far away from her. Suddenly, he had a bad premonition.

It was not until she got on the bus and drove for a while that she realized that things might not be so simple, and hurriedly shouted to get off.

Where is Li Quan willing to park.

Muxi then made a noise in the car: "Secretary Li, let me off! I warn you that poetry is not a simple identity. Don't think she is really an ordinary artist! "

"What? Are you threatening me? " Li Quan squinted, his eyes dangerous.

Muxi snorted coldly and held up her chest: "if I tell you, is she the woman of Mu Zong?"

The car braked hard.

Li Quan's eyes widened. "What do you say!?"

"Yunshishi is a woman who admires the whole. If she hurts one point ha-ha! You should have heard about the general means of admiration! Don't blame me for not reminding you then! " Mu Xi is also not willing to show weakness.

Li Quan doubted: "if she is really a woman with little desire, why should she work in places like entertainment circle?"

Mu Xi: "..."

"A woman with little admiration means an endless wealth! Muxi, where did you come from? It's ridiculous! "

Muxi snorted coldly, mocked his foolishness, and immediately got out of the car regardless of what he thought.

She shut the door heavily and said, "Li Quan, if there is any mistake in the poem, you are done!"

With that, she turned and ran towards the hotel.

Li Quan is sitting in the driver's seat for a long time!

At the same time, yunshishi got on the limousine of Li Dongliang.

Li Dongliang is sitting in the back seat.

She originally wanted to sit in the passenger seat, but Li Dongliang said it was against the rules.

So helpless, timidly sat in the back seat, but deliberately kept some distance with him.

She reported the address to the driver and sat next to the door, but saw something wrong in the road outside the window. Turning to the driver, she reminded him, "Mr. driver, this is not the way back to the company! I should have taken that road! "

The driver shook his head and smiled, but did not speak.

Li Dongliang joked: "don't worry, he knows it in his mind. Is Miss cloud afraid that we will sell you?"

Yunshishi shook his head, then lowered his head and stopped talking, fiddling with his fingers.

The atmosphere in the carriage made her feel extremely uncomfortable. She wanted Li Dongliang to throw her on the side of the road and take a taxi home alone.

As the car sped along the road, the scenery outside the window changed constantly, but she felt more and more wrong.

Huanyu building is located in the most prosperous area of the city center. However, the car is actually driving to the outskirts, and the farther it goes, the road seems to go to the villa area.