One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 1017

At first, some netizens doubted, maybe it was just a coincidence that someone was similar to Lu Jingtian.

Soon, a mysterious ID released a higher definition picture.

All of a sudden, netizens can see it more clearly.

Lu Jingtian's face has a very obvious feature.

There is a mole on the corner of the mouth.

This feature immediately confirms her "accusation"!

Lu Jingtian's head "boom", a blank, the whole people are petrified by lightning!

Then, some media published some photos of Lu Jingtian secretly taking in the bar. She was intimate with strange men.

Maybe it's about the angle. Lu Jingtian's expression looks especially wavy. He holds a cigarette in one hand and laughs and falls into the arms of a man, just like a woman in the dust.

Some paparazzi also photographed her huddling with other men in the bar. The scene was full of hot and spicy, which was very sad!

It turns out that Lu Jingtian is pure on the surface, but it looks like this in private!

What a bitch!

Photos were quickly posted on Weibo, and the public opinion about Lu Jingtian fell to the lowest level in a flash.

"I've got one. I saw such a strong news in the morning. It's a little subversive!"

"Lu Jingtian is so open? It seems to be quite fun in private, and it's very fierce! "

"I'm from Beijing. I met Lu Jingtian once in the Junlin bar. She was close to a man. I wanted to take a picture, but the light was too dark. I didn't know how to take it. I was afraid of any trouble, so I didn't take it!"

"I thought Lu Jingtian was just a scheming girl. Unexpectedly, she was such a terrible woman in private. She was disgusting!"


Many netizens commented that Lu Jingtian was a malicious schemer.

Never seen such a shameless actress!

This mysterious ID seems to have reserved a little room for her, and did not release the video.

Lu Jing's sweetheart was shocked. The whole person was petrified and didn't react for a long time.

This time, she's in a hopeless situation.

All the public opinions, while the charges fell to her.

Lu Jingtian can't help but recollect her private diary in a private blog.

With hatred for Yunshi, she wrote in her diary: "if you have a chance, you must let Yunshi taste what humiliation is! Give her medicine first, and then throw her to five ruffians. Finally, video the whole process, capture it and publish it on the Internet! Let's have a good look at the so-called "national first love" people in their eyes, how they look like in private! Ha ha! "

Is it an illusion?

why, she as like as two peas in her blog, that is what she is experiencing.

Don't you

No way!

Her diary is private and locked. No one has read it except her.


Yuntianyou receives a call from Li Hanlin. According to his orders, Li Hanlin has finished the video editing, and bought all the public relations teams, and began to play up Lu Jingtian's indecent deeds on the Internet.

"Later, remember to release the surveillance video. This is a play! "

"Well! However, Mr. Yun, will you be a little cruel when you do this? "

"Cruel?" Yuntianyou hooked his lips, but he seemed to smile, "either you don't do it, or you can make people afraid and dare not offend again. My time is precious and I don't want to waste it on unimportant people! "