One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 10

Charming and lovely little guy, just like a beautiful elf, but now the eyes of the elf seem a little serious at the moment, a little mature.

"150 yuan, too expensive..." In his tender voice, there was a sense of vicissitudes that didn't match his age. He frowned like a little old man, pulled his little finger to calculate, sighed and shrugged, as if he was in a dark world.

Cloud poetry can't help laughing at his depressed appearance, but there is a little bitterness in his heart. She puckered her lips, stretched out her hand and patted him on the shoulder. When the little milk bag was frightened, she turned around and saw that it was her. Her cheeks were strange and red. "Mommy..."

"Mommy has been looking for you for a long time. Didn't she let you follow Mommy obediently and don't run around alone?"

Yunshishi pretends to be ferocious. The little milk bag is obviously more guilty. She carefully hugs her neck with her small hand. Her eyelashes are slightly drooping. Her big eyes are blinking. She murmurs: "Mommy, don't be angry. You won't run around in the future!"

"You are good!" She squatted down and hugged him. "What are you looking at?"

Youyou subconsciously points to the remote-controlled racing car, but suddenly he thinks of something. As soon as he shrinks his little finger, he raises his little face and pretends to be free and easy: "Mommy, youyou just wants to have a look, but he doesn't want it at all!"

In spite of this, the little guy's eyes were fixed on the well packed remote-controlled car and sold him completely.

Cloud poetry can't help being cold and stern. At a young age, the little guy is duplicating himself. He clearly wants it. It's just to save her money. That's why he speaks up!

The child is a natural warm man.

She smiled, patted his little head, stood up, went to the counter, pointed to the remote-controlled racing car, youyou stared at the toy, and looked at yunshishi, as if she had guessed something, her eyes were shining slightly, her face suddenly glowed with excitement, ran to the counter, looked up at the exquisite package in her counter, but she could not see it Turn your eyes.

The counter member took the car to the counter and brushed the label. The little milk bag ran to the counter with its butts bumping. It climbed the edge of the counter and stood on tiptoe, contented on its small face.

Yun Shishi followed him, his smile was brilliant, and he couldn't help but move. If she can't even fulfill such a small wish, she is not a good mother.

Over the years, she has owed so much to the child.

Six years ago, she gave birth to a pair of twins for that man. Because they were born prematurely, both brothers were weak when they were born, and the situation of youyou was more serious. In addition, when she was in the mother's body, she was robbed of too much nutrients by her brother, so youyou didn't breathe when she came out. Listen to my father, when my brother was just born, he was sent to the neonatal ward. Then, the Secretary asked him to take him to the hospital. But the nurse who delivered her was surprised to find that youyou had a breath!