One Child, Two Babies: The President's Nightly Delight

Chapter 81

"He is..." Grandpa didn\'t dare to recognize anyone at all, it would be bad if he made a mistake.

Mu Shaoling walked in with a neat suit, and stretched out his arms to wrap Ruan Bai\'s waist in a polite and intimate manner. This action made Grandpa understand the relationship between the two.

"Are you the Li Zong that my son was talking about?" Grandpa smiled, and stood in front of the fire pit and said, "Grandpa has remembered your name for a long time. Xiaobai\'s father told me that you have been together for five years." More than a year, and now they are about to get married."

Ruan Bai was very worried that Mu Shaoling would refute, so he quickly interrupted, "Grandpa, you look thin, are you not used to it in Japan?"

"I\'m old, old people are like this." Grandpa hunched over and went to another dilapidated room with a fire stick.

After searching for a long time, the old man finally found two small stools, put them on the kitchen floor, and said to his grandson-in-law, "Come on, son, sit here, there is no good furniture at home."

Looking down at the two dilapidated small wooden stools on the ground, Ruan Bai glanced nervously at Mu Shaoling, worried that he would dislike him and not sit down.

However, Mu Shaoling took her grandfather\'s feelings into consideration, put down the boss airs he used to carry, sat on the stool without any dislike, and took her hand, saying, "Sit, let\'s chat with grandpa."

Grandpa sat on the small stool that was already in the kitchen.

"You talk to grandpa, I\'m going out to buy some food." Ruan Bai pushed the suitcase aside, then took the money from the bag, and glanced at Mu Shaoling worriedly.

Mu Shaoling understood what she was worried about, and nodded to reassure her.

"Then I\'ll go first." Ruan Bai glanced at his grandfather before going out.

Walking through the red brick courtyard and out the gate, Ruan Bai looked up and saw many people standing a few meters away from the gate.

She can vaguely remember the names of some neighbors.

In the mouths of these neighbors, she is the daughter of a "slut", so she must be a "slut" when she grows up. Those gossips after dinner, as the person involved, she heard all the time when she was a child.

Ruan Bai walked towards a small shop selling vegetables.

The discussion behind him was much smaller than before, but the content was also rich.

It was as if the arrival of her and Mu Shaoling had awakened the old gossip that these people had long forgotten.

"Is this Xiaobai from the old Ruan\'s family?" An aunt pointed at her behind her and asked others in a low voice.

Immediately someone answered, "It must be. Although her appearance has changed a lot, her basic appearance is still the same. I recognized her as that child Xiaobai at a glance."

"Tsk, today is different. Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, look at how promising this girl is, and look at our girl. She can only marry a small policeman in the county."

"Aunt Wang, don\'t say that, your girl married the best girl of all the girls in our town."

"It\'s not very good. Her father and I agreed to our daughter\'s marriage, because our son-in-law gave us a bride price of 200,000 yuan, and bought a car worth more than 100,000 yuan for her father. My son-in-law has nothing good but is rich! I despise it!"

Someone stood up and praised Aunt Wang: "Your daughter really married into a good family. I think this Xiaobai is probably a mistress for someone. Look at this man\'s car. It is worth several million dollars." Maybe it’s the man that Xiaobai hooked up with outside, so he hurriedly brought it back to show off to our townspeople.”

"Then this Xiaobai is quite vain, and she is as shameless as her own mother who was abducted by a rich man..."


Ruan Bai bought green vegetables, meat for cooking, ribs, and seasonings at the store.

When I went back, those gossip aunts were still there.

When passing through the courtyard and entering the door, she saw Mu Shaoling holding a bowl in his hand, which contained leftovers, and he was about to throw it away, while Grandpa was staring at the bowl of leftovers, obviously trying to stop him, It\'s hard to speak.

"Grandpa, eating this bowl of vegetables won\'t do you any good. On the contrary, it will be harmful." After Mu Shaoling finished speaking, he decisively disposed of the bowl of leftovers.

Grandpa sat down silently and didn\'t speak.

Ruan Bai stood at the door with her things in her hands, she couldn\'t say what she felt in her heart, but an indescribable sense of security flooded into her heart.

The man was walking around the kitchen in neat clothes, holding the broken bowl with his slender white fingers, and the diamond inlaid on the luxury watch on his wrist, shining brightly in the dark and dilapidated house, everything was out of place.

Noticing that she was standing at the door and looking absent-minded while carrying the vegetables, Mu Shaoling put down the dilapidated and even broken bowl, raised his head and asked, "You\'re back? What did you buy?"

Ruan Bai was touched by his cooperation, and he didn\'t dislike him.

Other households in the town have used natural gas, even the worst ones have used gas tanks. Only the old man is still using the stove and fire pit to burn the branches picked up in the forest.

Mu Shaoling had stayed in the town for a whole year and knew the folk customs of the town.

Luojia Town\'s conditions are so limited, all because of the inaction of the previous leadership.

Now that the leadership is changed, the economy here will develop rapidly. This time, the government and developers have made great efforts to jointly develop the town, which also shows the future value of Luojia Town.

Mu Shaoling bought a gas tank, and the deliveryman installed it in only twenty minutes.

"Go and accompany grandpa, I\'ll do it." Mu Shaoling walked to the cutting board, worried that she wouldn\'t know how to use a gas tank, or that the old kitchen knife was too blunt and accidentally hurt her hand.

"I have no problem, you go and sit, otherwise I will be very sorry."

Ruan Bai was very grateful to him, but also felt guilty, how could he dare to use him for dinner.

Moreover, Ruan Bai was surprised that he could cook?

Mu Shaoling looked at the things she cut, and then was called by the old man to talk.

No matter in the years in the UK or when she was in a small town in her teens, Ruan Bai cooked. When she was a child, when her grandfather was doing farm work in the fields, she would go to help pick beans together on Saturdays and Sundays. The sun is about to go down , She ran home to prepare dinner for her grandfather and herself in advance, and she burned firewood.

Although the food in those years was not very good, it was always enough to fill my stomach.

In the years of studying, with the money from her father and the money she earned from part-time jobs, she felt satisfied that she was living in heaven and her cooking skills had become better.

After finishing the sweet and sour pork ribs, Ruan Bai brought them to the table, and casually glanced at her grandpa. She saw that grandpa smiled so much that his eyes were only a slit.

Mu Shaoling gestured gracefully, as always with the attitude of a big boss, but the grandfather listened attentively, not only admiring his grandson-in-law, but also grateful to God for allowing his granddaughter to find such an outstanding man.

"Stop talking about grandpa, come over to eat." Ruan Bai put all the food on the table and called.

The store sent three high plastic stools, and the old table that could be set up in the warehouse was also set up. Grandpa is also very embarrassed now, worried that his grandson-in-law will dislike him.

"Li Zong, a small town is not as good as a city. You can eat as much as you can, and try Xiaobai\'s cooking skills." Grandpa held up a piece of ribs for Mu Shaoling with his chopsticks.