One Child, Two Babies: The President's Nightly Delight

Chapter 2797

Su Man didn\'t know that Qing Yu was giving her an injection until the back of her hand felt like being stabbed into a vein by a needle!

A kind of fear rises from the soles of the feet to the top of the head.

Could this woman really kill people?

I have run out of patience, so I want to give her a poison injection and kill her?

Qingyu finished the injection swiftly, then smiled lightly, and patted Su Man\'s face, this time she was not too strong, "Do you want to use a hunger strike to force us to release you? Don\'t worry, I have my nourishment." Needles keep you alive, you can’t die! If you keep silent, I’ll keep treating you like this until the nutrition needles can’t keep you alive, then I’ll give you a nasal feeding tube and feed you liquid food, that’s what vegetative people rely on If you are alive, you are destined not to die."

Su Man was desperate, she didn\'t expect Qing Yu to be so ruthless.

The way she just thought of, was thought of by the other party as a way to deal with it.

And she acted without hesitation, and she didn\'t even have a chance to discuss it.

Qingyu said to the people next to him: "Someone will come to take over shifts with you later, remember to remind them that they will take over shifts once an hour, and you have to check each time whether Miss Su is dead or not, oh yes, the nutritional injections will be done later. After the injection, help her pull out the needle, don\'t let the blood flow back, she can\'t be too weak now."

After she gave her instructions, she turned and left.

Sitting in the living room, Qing Yu frowned and reported to Mu Shaoling, "Su Man still refuses to say anything."

A person who is afraid of death is also afraid of going to prison.

But Su Man hasn\'t really experienced death yet, so she probably won\'t confess casually what would put her in jail now.

"Continue." Mu Shaoling replied two words to her.

Su Man must explain everything.

Inside the Detention Center of City A.

Both Marcos and Ethan are sitting on chairs. According to the legal system of City A, the family members of those who are detained cannot meet with them. Therefore, Marcos\' identity at this time is not Master\'s nephew, but Ethan\'s assistant. .

The police of the detention center escorted Mister in.

As Marcos expected, Munster is now in a state of distress, his beard has not been shaved off, his hair has grown a lot, and it is messy. Except for his clean face, he looks like a refugee wandering on the streets of Russia.

Ethan\'s face was full of disbelief, what about that high-spirited Munster?

How did you become like this in Huaxia\'s detention center, "Mr. Manster!"

Master ignored Ethan\'s expression, but looked at Marcos, his radiance was in stark contrast to himself at the moment.

The uncles and nephews were originally at odds, but because of the face of the old man and the family, they only pretended to be harmonious on the surface, and their hearts were already separated.

At this moment, he saw Master\'s embarrassment again, and he naturally asked angrily, "Why are you here?"

Marcos looked at Ethan calmly, "He asked me to come."

The three of them all spoke Russian, and the police in charge of Munster in the detention center only knew English. Worried that they might say bad news, they directly tapped on the table, "Communicate in English."

Munster glared at him.

He has an accent in English, which is not good in the first place, but this man, does he have to speak English at this time? Wasn\'t that another humiliation in front of Marcos?

Master has always thought that he is nobler than Marcos, after all, blood and genes are different.

At this moment, he formed a very sharp contrast with Marcos, downcast and haggard, which aroused his previous sense of superiority even more.

Master refused to accept the current situation.

He stared at Ethan, the family asked him to be his defense lawyer, what did he bring Marcos here for?

Are you looking for his jokes?

Ethan was stunned by the stare, muttering to himself, could it be that he did something wrong? Shouldn\'t you have brought Marcos here?

He also thought about saying that Marcos is his nephew, and now that Munster is in trouble, Marcos wants to help.

How can you help if you don\'t know everything?

"Mr. Munster, I\'m here to defend you. I just got all the information from the police, but the information is still being translated. I want to hear about what happened back then, as well as the incident of entering and hurting people. "Ethan corrected his attitude, regardless of whether he was wrong in bringing Marcos here, the most important thing at this moment is to understand the whole story.

He wanted to read the file given by the police.

But I didn\'t expect that the detention center in City A was so lax. A foreigner was detained, not to mention that a Russian file should be added, and there was not even an English file.

It is said that the English translator is sick and asked for leave...

Now, his interpreter is out there translating those dossiers.

For the previous matter, Master didn\'t want to mention it, especially in front of Marcos.

He didn\'t expect the matter to be so serious before, and he didn\'t expect that after the matter failed, the police came to the door not because of the burglary and injury, but because of the girl who committed suicide a few years ago!

It was all a few years ago. If the police hadn\'t mentioned it, he wouldn\'t even remember the illegal things he did that night.

Of course he would not admit that he had done such a thing, but the police evidence was sufficient.

So, Munster had to wait for Ethan to come over.

But now that Ethan came over, the first thing he did made him very dissatisfied.

Actually brought the shame of the Marcos family here!

What is he here for?

Could it be possible to use money to help him get through the relationship?

Master has no hope for him. Here, their family has no power and power, and it is difficult to solve the problem with money!

Moreover, the girl\'s father wanted him to be punished by the law, no matter how much money he gave, this matter could not be covered up.

Therefore, Munster has no hope for Marcos.

The only thing Marcos can do is to help arrange a local lawyer to help him with the lawsuit with Ethan.

It\'s just that Munster didn\'t dare to use the lawyer Marcos found.

If he goes to jail in China, Marcos will be the biggest beneficiary. The family will lose his heir, and then, only Marcos will be left!

Seeing that Mister looked gloomy, but he didn\'t speak, Ethan couldn\'t help feeling a little irritable. He\'s still acting like a young master at this time?

Is it plausible?

Not talking to the lawyer is not the attitude to solve the problem. Ethan said again: "Mr. Manster, I know you are very upset now, but if you don\'t tell the truth, I can\'t help you."

Master said arrogantly: "Let him go out."

He pointed pointedly at Marcos.

Ethan also looked at Marcos in astonishment.

Marcos, on the other hand, smiled at Ethan with a clear face, "I just said, he won\'t want to see me, and you insist on letting me come."

Ethan\'s face turned red. He didn\'t expect what Marcos said to be true, and he didn\'t expect that at this time, Munster still didn\'t want to see Marcos so much.

He wants to come out, Marcos is willing to wait to help in the end, otherwise what is he doing in China?

"You go out first." Ethan had no choice but to say, the most urgent thing is to let Master tell what happened.