One Child, Two Babies: The President's Nightly Delight

Chapter 139

Ruan Bai entered the subway.

On the way from Mu Shaoling\'s apartment to the subway station, she didn\'t look back, but she knew that Mu Shaoling followed him quietly all the way, so he still couldn\'t rest assured.

The subway started, and after an unknown number of stations, it finally arrived.

Ruan Bai went down and walked towards the exit.



Ruan Bai saw the police and Dong Zijun.

She walked towards Dong Zijun, and when Dong Zijun saw her, he stopped smoking and turned to look at her. I thought she was with Mr. Mu at first.

"Thank you, Dong Te has worked hard to help, go back and rest." Ruan Bai said gratefully, with a sincere attitude.

Dong Zijun considers himself to be someone who does things for others, and this is the first time he has been appreciated so much, he is inevitably a little embarrassed: "It\'s not hard work, if you want to thank you, thank you, Mr. Mu."

Never forget to give your boss a wave of goodwill.

"Xiaobai!" Zhou Xiaosu got out of the car with his laptop in his arms.

Ruan Bai raised his head and looked at Zhou Xiaosu.

Dong Zijun also looked at Zhou Xiaosu, and ordered: "You go upstairs with Ruan Bai."

Zhou Xiaosu understood what Dong Zijun meant.

Ruan Bai\'s grandfather is missing, and the granddaughter must be anxious. As a female colleague who has a good relationship with Ruan Bai, she should come to accompany her.

It\'s just that she learned that Ruan Bai was not at home and was with the boss, so she stayed to help Dong Zijun while working.

"Let\'s go, let Dong Tezhu here"

Zhou Xiaosu\'s name is Ruan Bai.

Let\'s go upstairs together.

Ruan Bai opened the door, and the rental house was deserted.

"Sit down." After Ruan Bai let Zhou Xiaosu sit on the sofa, he went to the kitchen, intending to boil some water.

Zhou Xiaosu was too busy, so he said without raising his head while working, "Grandpa will be fine, don\'t wait for grandpa to come back, but you are worried that something is wrong with your body."

Ruan Bai stared at the rocking chair that his grandfather often sat on the balcony, and was dumbfounded.


Being sluggish all day and not feeling well is like adding insult to injury.

After Zhou Xiaosu finished his work, he put away his computer and went to see Ruan Bai. He found Ruan Bai curled up on the bed like a wounded kitten, very pitiful.

Zhou Xiaosu stayed at Ruan\'s house.

The next day, Ruan Bai\'s dysmenorrhea was relieved.

After waking up and finding Zhou Xiaosu there, Ruan Bai went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Zhou Xiaosu woke up when she heard the movement, and after taking a look at the unfamiliar environment, she remembered that she slept at Ruan Bai\'s house last night.


Ruan Bai beat two eggs in a bowl, stirred them well, and put them down.

Pick up the kitchen knife and cut the washed vegetables.

It\'s very cold outside in the early morning this month, and it\'s easy to catch a cold when you go out wearing less clothes, Ruan Bai couldn\'t help but wonder, how is grandpa doing now, he wears a lot less, does he feel cold?

After thinking about it, the kitchen knife cut down on the vegetables, and in a daze, it cut the index finger of his left hand.

It took a long time for Ruan Bai to feel the pain.

Zhou Xiaosu dug out the toiletries from the bag, and took them to the bathroom. When passing the kitchen door, he accidentally caught a glimpse of Ruan Bai holding his left hand with the other hand, with blood between his fingers.

"What happened?" Zhou Xiaosu dropped the toiletries, came to the kitchen, pulled Ruan Bai\'s finger, trembling with fright at the bright red blood.

Ruan Bai lowered his head without feeling anything and said, "I\'m going to find gauze."

"So careless!" Zhou Xiaosu took the gauze that Ruan Bai found, knelt down on the carpet in front of the sofa regardless, frowned, and bandaged Ruan Bai.

While bandaging, Zhou Xiaosu muttered angrily: "I can understand your bad mood of not being able to find grandpa, but you can\'t go on like this forever, grandpa is old, what is waiting for the old man at the end of fate, we mortals will always I don’t know, not only your grandpa, everyone’s grandparents, fathers and mothers will encounter such and other problems when they get old, and we young people have to experience the blow of losing our elders.”

Ruan Bai nodded, and a warm liquid flooded into his eyes again.

Zhou Xiaosu looked up at her, fearing that she would cry, and said: "Leave the matter of looking for grandpa to the police, and we can\'t do anything. You go to the company with me, and it might be better when you get busy. Maybe when you get off work, grandpa will be at home. "

Ruan Bai nodded.

Work can\'t be left behind, she has to take care of her father with lung cancer in the hospital.


In the T Group in the morning, men and women in formal clothes shuttled among them.

Zhou Xiaosu and Ruan Bai entered the elevator together, and entered the office area of ​​the design department together.

"Why are the police here?" Zhou Xiaosu saw two serious policemen sitting in the reception area.

The colleague was about to come over to gossip, when he heard the door of the minister\'s office was opened, and the minister called Zhou Xiaosu: "Come in."

Zhou Xiaosu didn\'t have time to listen to the gossip, so he hurried over.

Minister\'s Office.

The female minister looked unhappy and said to Zhou Xiaosu: "The project that Li Zong\'s team is responsible for is transferred to your team. Do you have any questions?"

When Zhou Xiaosu heard this, he was happy: "No problem, nothing at all."

That\'s a big project. Let me ask the whole design department, who wouldn\'t want to eat that tempting big cake?

The minister nodded: "As long as there is no problem, the handover issue will be arranged by the higher authorities."

Zhou Xiaosu originally wanted to ask, what happened?

But seeing that the minister was not in a good mood, he didn\'t ask any more questions.

After going out, Zhou Xiaosu glanced at the reception desk, the police were still there.

Soon, Li Zong came to work.

The two police officers at the reception also came over. The moment Li Zong put down the computer, the police showed their IDs, and then directly handcuffed Li Zong.

All colleagues are stunned!

Ruan Bai also looked over.

But the police said: "We suspect that you are related to a case of drugging a female colleague in an entertainment club. Come with us and cooperate with the investigation."

Colleagues are all frightened, entertainment club? Drugs?

Everyone invariably remembered the scene of the "departmental gathering". Li Zong, which female colleague did you drug?

Li Zong\'s face was ugly, and he was silent for a moment, ruling out the possibility of Guo Yinyin calling the police, he looked at Ruan Bai with hatred, broke free from the restraints of the police and walked towards Ruan Bai.

When Ruan Bai looked up at him, he had no time to dodge, and saw his handcuffed hands lift up the documents on the table and smash all of them on Ruan Bai\'s face.

"Be honest!" The policeman stepped forward to stop him immediately and pinned the man to the ground.

The female colleague was astonished, she looked at Ruan Bai sympathetically, then at Li Zong who was taken away by the police and disappeared at the door, and said, "Is Li Zong crazy, manic?"

"It\'s okay." Zhou Xiaosu came over and patted Ruan Bai\'s shoulder comfortingly.

The minister came out at this time, glanced at Ruan Bai, and his face became even worse: "Xiao Zhou, take your team to the top floor, the boss has a meeting."

Zhou Xiaosu nodded, then turned around and whispered to Ruan Bai: "Let\'s go upstairs for a meeting." I hope the boss can find time to comfort Ruan Bai.

The comfort of colleagues cannot be compared with the comfort of the boss.

Let me ask, which woman doesn\'t need her man\'s shoulders to lean on when she is weak?

Enduring bitter tears, Ruan Bai took the relevant documents and laptop, went upstairs with Zhou Xiaosu and the others, found an unremarkable seat and sat down quietly.

"Mr. Mu is here." Someone said aloud.