
2 Project 'sAL's

"we reached our destination, Mr. Ian", said Claus

While I was lost in though, we were already there, will soon helped me out to my chair, soon after, I could see the towering building to our front.

'wow, to be honest, I'm grateful I get to visit this place, maybe it ain't so bad for a last day', I thought to my self soon after entering the building, everything inside was the highest tech you could ever see, even the smallest thing inside would cost millions or even billions of dollars.

But what caught my attention was something elseā€¦..

The ultimate surgical tool of the century, as far as I know it was just a legend in the medical field, a precise virtually operated machine that almost had no error factor.

The only machine capable of curing my case!

Yet it was lying here before my eyes.


Two hours soon passed.

"sadly our tour ends here, it's time we discuss our objective of this invite", said Claus as we reached a small door

On entering I could see a small office, Claus soon sat on the main chair, as my chair was moved to face him.

"so Mr. Ian, If I told you that we would help with your treatment so that you can continue living with a healthy body which you could fully move like a normal person, what would you say", said Claus with a shrewd smile.

I was pretty shocked at first but I soon restored my calm, this was probably the objective of this tour, although he mentioned it easily, for them to use that legend of a machine must have a pretty steep price , I may be desperate, but I still had my rationality.

"Surely that won't be from your goodwill, that machine looked nice and all, but there must be a catch"

"as expected of Mr. Ian you catch up fast, First of all, let me tell you a small story, we as a dominating company of VR, started several games in this field which achieved the highest popularity, but the only problem we faced was that we didn't reach our desired result, no matter what, virtually created worlds didn't have the same feeling as the real world, it was just a fake, and that is how project AL came to be"

"obviously AL was the short for 'Another Life", as our dream was to make a game where players could enjoy a complete other Life, one that is Similar to reality"

"Recently we were able to achieve That dream, we created the Ultimate VR game, a world with little to no difference compared to reality"

"but here is the problem, connection with that virtual world was faced with difficulties and was constantly unstable, that's why we called this game 'The Lost Realm'"

"so we had to do several rounds of beta-testing, but sadly all the testers who died in the game, simply died in reality, because of the dangerous linking method we used"

" trying to survive inside for as far as possible to finish our testing and make a more stable link to the game without having to resort to the dangerous linking method we currently use, is what we want from you"

"you must be kidding me, you want a cripple like me to do that?!"

"that's the point Mr.Lan, in 'the Lost Realm' even you can live with a normal body, that's why if you could use your intelligence with a normal body there is a good chance you will survive long and maybe even reach the pinnacle"

"so we want to provide you with chance, If you could survive actively for the whole testing period, we would provide you a free surgery to help you move like normal people, using our latest tech, we certainly can guarantee this!"

'that almost looks like an underground game, dying in reality as soon as you die in the game, but from my desperate point of view trying that, will at least give me the chance to live like a normal person inside the game instead of rotting in a hospital', it seems like you did your homework on me"I said with a bitter smile, I was finally given the chance, but it seemed that the saying that chance and risk go together is still true to our day.

"Now, now, Mr. Ian, it's not like we are forcing you to do this, it's all your choice in the end, so, what do you think?, what would your choice be?"

A wide grin appeared on Claus's face as he looked at me with anticipation, My heart beat faster than usual as if to tell me to embrace this challenge instead of backing off.