Number One Player of Time and Space

~: And talk about disappearing last month

In fact, I have never told you that my father has recently died.

I didn\'t mean to sell miserably. In fact, I didn\'t go back to my hometown to have a funeral. The whole funeral was organized by relatives.

A large part of this is because my father was in a hurry and happened to catch up with his wife\'s cesarean section in those few days. I can only give priority to children who have not yet been born.

In fact, when my father was sick, I was in a bad mood.

My father is a bit like Su Daqiang in "It\'s Fine". He is an extremely selfish person, both to his wife and children.

Can you imagine being the only man in the family to leave because of fighting with his wife?

Can you imagine children getting married, men who can\'t afford a penny, whether it\'s a house or a wedding reception?

Can you imagine a man who knows that his daughter-in-law is pregnant and expecting to give birth, and asks the child to leave his wife and child, regardless of the actual situation, and take him to Beijing to see a doctor?

Even so, after all, he is my father, and I have always been willing to believe that he still has such a blood relationship to my son.

However I was wrong.

A month ago, under the reminder of my mother, I called the aunt who helped with the funeral, only to know that my father had not left me any legacy, and the only house was sold out. Come clean and walk clean.

The mood is complicated.

Seriously, I don\'t care about any legacy, and his unforgiving approach made me very worried.

I consider him a father, but he doesn\'t have my son in his heart.

My mother advised me, don\'t worry, your dad has been "alone" all his life, and he has never had someone else in his heart.

But the image of my father, which has been built for decades, collapsed at the last moment. The shock really made me unacceptable.

Sad, depressed.

But life has to continue.

strive assiduously.

May my child grow up healthy with the care and warmth of my parents.