Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 385: Keyboard durian instant noodles, choose one

"Baby, how do you dress like this?"

Xia Shi was full of appreciation, Xia Weibao is really a very plastic artist.

What kind of shape is suitable.

Xia Weibao pulled the military uniform on her body, "It was given by the program team and said to keep a souvenir. Does it look good."

Xu Jiayang gave a thumbs up, "It looks good."

Then turned to look at Leng Yan, poor.

I took a morning look in the mirror and was killed in seconds!

"I also think it looks good." Xia Weibao said with a smile.

When I looked up, I saw Leng Yan holding a mirror in one hand and putting the other under the desk, not knowing what he was doing, and then looked at her with a vague look.

"Boss, what do you think of me, don't be obsessed with Sister, Sister is just a legend."

Leng Yan, "..."

Silently turned his head and didn't want to speak anymore.

Xia Weibao sat down on the sofa and said, "I'm exhausted in this palace. By the way, Sister Xia Shi, what schedule do I have next?"

""Allure" will be finished in a week, and I plan to wait until "Allure" is broadcast before I will receive the announcement."

The front of "Allure" has been completed, she has seen it, and it is very good.

Take good care of it, and it will definitely catch fire!

At that time, Xia Weibao's worth will also rise, so consider receiving the announcement at that time.

"Then what am I doing this time."

"Holiday, take a good rest."

"Oh yeah, sister Xia Shi, you are so kind."

Xia Weibao said as he took out his mobile phone and swiped Weibo. This period of time can be said to be semi-closed.

I play on my mobile phone for half an hour every night, all of which are used to play games, and I don't have time to pay attention to the dynamics on the Internet.

Only then did she discover that she had been hacked so badly during her time in the barracks.

No one can look at the soldiers in the eyes of playing big cards.

Xia Weibao was stunned. No wonder Chen Chuang and Zhao Wen teamed up to challenge her that day.

These are not important, what is important is that the main palace has fallen out of fans again!

When I got home, it was already seven in the evening.

As soon as he walked in, Fu Bo hurried out to greet him.

Xia Weibao raised his eyebrows, "Fu Bo, you are thinner and handsome."

Fubo was ashamed, "It's all the credit of the young lady's diet pills."

"Why, it's Fu Bo, your good foundation, handsome middle-aged uncle."

Uncle Fu was a little shy when she said that he almost forgot the business, "Madam, Mr. is waiting for you upstairs."

Xia Weibao frowned, what was Lu Hualiang waiting for her.

When I went upstairs, I saw the floor of the master bedroom full of gifts.

These were all given to her by the people in the military camp, and Lu Hualiang brought them back in the morning.

"Why are you taking out all my presents."

"Who gave it." Lu Hualiang looked gloomy.

"People in the barracks, don't you know."

"You also receive chocolates from others? And roses. Do you know what these mean."

Xia Weibao blinked, "Give me some food."

He picked up the pile of chocolates and put it in his arms.

"These are all for me, you have to buy them yourself."

As soon as he said this, Lu Hualiang's expression became gloomy again.


So the Queen Mother said generously, "If you want it, I will give you roses."

But chocolate won't work!

Lu Hualiang, "..."

Suddenly feel so tired, she is really getting more and more lawless!

At this moment, President Lu is deeply aware that he can no longer indulge in this way, he must set up house rules to control her!

So he took out the keyboard, durian and instant noodles prepared by Fu Bo, and placed them in front of her.

Expressionless, "Choose the same."