Novel - Comeback of the Abandoned Wife

Chapter 201

Wu Ruo felt silly because he was such an idiot in last life. How could he not know to use such an amazing skill to absorb spiritual power from others? It had taken him eight long years to finally have a power of fifth level and thanks to Jixi’s Spirit-Tonic Elixir he struggled to get promoted to the sixth level.

If he could absorb more power from others in this life, did it mean that he could promote easier and quicker? No wonder his mother once said his promotion depended on others.

However, he couldn’t absorb power from Hei family to promote himself. They were family.

At that time, a golden light flashed in the sky.

Jixi said, looking up into the sky, “your man is marvelous to make such a powerful formation in such a short time.”

“Are you scared of that demon man?” Wu Ruo asking, obviously feeling proud of his man.

“Me scared of him? I just…” Jixi snorted.

“Just what?”

“I lost something important.” Jixi said, “and I don’t know how to explain to him.”

“…”Wu Ruo.

“Ah!” Eggie shouted while he was playing in a distance.

Wu Ruo looked over to check him. He saw the five bones being torn into pieces.

Eggie ran over with a sad face, “daddy, no one plays with me.”

“Let’s go out.” Wu Ruo carried him in his arms.


Jixi went to his room to meditate since they were about to go outside.

While Wu Ruo and Eggie walked to the front yard, they ran into Wu Qianqing who just returned from General Ren’s mansion. “Father, how is it going with General Ren’s issue?” asked Wu Ruo.

Wu Qianqing sighed, “nothing new. Those assassins came out of nowhere and died suddenly. General Ren is busy with his wife’s funeral right now. So I come back. Buy General Ren told me that I don’t need to go there again to help them solve the case. Perhaps they also know that it’s hard to find out the real murderer.” It wouldn’t easy to trace down the real murderer if the murderer were Wu Chenzi.

“In that case, they might have no suspicion about you, or have doubts about Wu family.” Wu Ruo said.

His opinion was what Wu Qianqing thought.

“Are you going out?” Wu Qianqing asked since Wu Ruo and Eggie were heading outside.

“Yes. I am taking Eggie outside.” Wu Ruo nodded.

“Bring more guards.”

“I will.”

Wu Ruo told the doorman to send a message to Hei Xuanyi and then left with six guards.

He bought a few small toys for Eggie, went to the drug store to sell the elixir he made in recent days, and also bought herbs there.


While Wu Ruo was waiting for the herbs, Wu Ruo heard someone was calling him. He looked back and saw Wu Ruo walking toward him with a smiling face, “It’s really you.”

Wu Ruo’s eyes got alert but put on a smiling face, “what a coincidence! Are you here to buy medicine?”

Good! How dare Wu Yu came to him before he went to reason with him.

Wu Yu smiled, “yes. Four Clan Festival is coming. I have to hoard more herbs for it.”

“Four Clan Festival?” Wu Ruo had heard about it when he was in the imperial city last life. But he had been out of the city every Four Clan Festival. That was why he had never been in a single Four Clan Festival in last life.

Wu Yu was surprised and asked, “don’t you know such a festival? Everyone comes here would have heard about it because the festival is held every three months.”

“I have heard about it but I am not sure what it is about.”

Wu Yu explained, “the date of the Four Clan Festival is set by the State Master who predicts a lucky date. Every three months the State Master, together with imperial cultivators, opens three channels connecting with the clan of monster, demon, and ghost. In that case we can travel to the clan of monster, demon or ghost to buy necessary stuff. In return, people from those clans can travel through the channels to our world to have a tour. It is basically a day for all cultivators to celebrate. All commoners in the city stay at home to keep a distance from cultivators.”

“If the other clans are going to be opened for shopping there, why are you buying herb?” Wu Ruo wondered.

“In case something bad might happen. I heard that cultivators once were hurt in other clans.”

What Wu Yu said reminded Wu Ruo of something.

“Ruo, what are you thinking?” Wu Yu asked since Wu Ruo didn’t say a word.

Wu Ruo said unmeaningfully, “I am thinking if I need to buy some medicine because I am interested in travelling to other clans.”

“That’s exactly why I buy so many herbs. Unfortunately I already have a company, otherwise I could go with you.”

“I am just a commoner. If you go with me, I will hold you back.” Wu Ruo mocked himself.

Wu Yu was awkward and put on a guilty face, “Ruo, I’m sorry. I am very sorry for what I did to you in the past. Hope you can forgive me.”

“Don’t mention what’s in the past. We should look forward to the future.”

Wu Ruo smiled so softly that Wu Yu’s mind went blank. Therefore, he didn’t notice Wu Ruo meant something else between his lines, “Ruo, you’ve changed a lot. I couldn’t even believe it was you at the State Master’s birthday banquet without great grandfather’s introduction.”

“Really?” Wu Ruo said, once the shopkeeper had already packed his herb, “brother, if you will excuse me, I must go now. Wait. My big brother is in the imperial city for training. Have you seen him?”

Wu Yu was surprised, having something strong in his eyes, “he is in the city as well? I have no idea. If I knew he was here, I would have convinced him to train with me.”

“If you ran into him someday, please tell him that we are in the city as well.” Wu Ruo picked up the herb and carried Eggie, “excuse us.”

As soon as he left, Wu Yu put away his smile, walked toward the shopkeeper and put silver coins on the counter, “what did the young man do here?”

The shopkeeper took over the silver coins and said, “he came here to sell Spirit-Tonic Elixir and buy more herbal materials for making Spirit-Tonic Elixirs.”

“That’s all?” Wu Yu frowned,.
