Novel - Comeback of the Abandoned Wife

Chapter 192

When Wu Ruo got access to the house, the crown prince and the second prince were interrogating the assassins who were tied by chains. There were thirty or forty assassins there and they all wore black night clothes and their facial masks had been removed.

Ling Mohan frowned at the sight of Wu Ruo.

Wu Ruo got the hint. It was not a good sign.

Ling Mohan sneered at Wu Ruo, “it’s you again. Don’t you remember that I’ve warned you not to show up in front of me. Or I will break your legs.”

Wu Chenzi explained, pointing at Wu Qianqing who was lying unconsciously on the floor, “your highness, he is Wu Ruo’s father. As a son, he has to be here.”

General Ren’s assistant roared, “what? He is the head assassin’s son? Soldiers, seize him! For the sake of general’s late wife, let’s kill them and tear them apart.”

Soldiers followed the order and went up to seize Wu Ruo but got punched back by Hei Xuanyi.

Ling Mohan said before the assistant general gave another order, “assistant Zheng, Wu Ruo doesn’t seem to understand what is going on here. You’d better tell him what’s going on before he dies.”

“Fine.” Assistant Zheng roared, pointing the men in black, “they broke in from both the front and back gate to assassinate our general. And he…”

He shouted, pointing at the unconscious Wu Qianqing, “he went from Wu mansion to our backyard to kill the general’s wife and mother. I have to kill him to avenge her ladyship.”

Assistant Zheng draw his long sword out furiously.

Guan Tong inhaled and pounced on Wu Qianqing, “my husband holds no grudge against the general. He has no reason to kill his wife.”

Wu Ruo shot a cold stare at Assistant Zheng.

Assistant Zheng moaned, “these men in black accused that they followed your husband’s order. It can’t be wrong.”

Guan Tong cried, “it must be a setup. Can you wait until my husband comes back to senses?”

Wu Chenzi said, “Assistant Zheng, I agree with her. It would be for the best until we wait for him to come back to senses.”

Wu Ruo had a bad feeling especially after Wu Chenzi said that. There might be a chance that his father couldn’t get away from the accusation even after he came around.

Hei Xuanyi held his hand as he sensed Wu Ruo got nervous.

Ling Mohan snorted, “you have to wait until he comes around because he is one member of Wu family and came directly from Wu Mansion. It’s hard to say who is behind him.”

The second prince, who had been silent, sneered, “brother, are you saying that Wu family is behind the assassination action?”

“I’m just saying my own opinion. Isn’t Wu family a big suspect since he came directly from Wu Mansion?”

The second prince was so angry that he yelled at Assistant Zheng, “Assistant, look into every detail behind it in case Wu family is framed.”

Assistant Zheng gave it a thought, “yes, your highness. For the sake of the State Master, the crown prince and the second prince, we will wait until he comes around. Soldiers, get cold water.”

A soldier fetched a bucket of cold water and poured it on Wu Qianqing.

Wu Qianqing didn’t respond.

Assistant Zheng frowned, “why isn’t he awake?”

Wu Ruo exhaled lightly.

Guan Tong was worried sick about her husband. She felt his breath under his nose with her finger and shook his body, “Qianqing. Qianqing. Wake up.”

Wu Ruo went forward to stop her while he also squeezed his mother’s hand privately, “mom, don’t worry. Dad will come around.”

Guan Tong had a look at him and wiped her tears.

Assistant Zheng sneered, “isn’t he playing unconscious, is he?”

Wu Chenzi squinted at Wu Qianqing, “allow me to have a look.”

Wu Ruo had a quick and calm look at him, clenching his fists.

As Wu Chenzi bent down to check Wu Qianqing, the crowd started to make a noise.

“General Ren is here.” A soldier said.

Assistant Zheng hurried out, “General, be careful of your wound. Why do you come here?”

General Ren’s face was pale. He said sadly, “I need to see who murdered my wife. I will tear him into pieces to avenge my wife!”

General Ren and his wife had known each other since childhood and they had been happily married. Now that his wife was murdered, the pain he was going through was so great that he had to kill the murderer in person.

Assistant Zheng said, pointing at Wu Qianqing on the floor, “he killed her ladyship.”

The young man who supported General Ren to stand on feet got so angry and pulled his sword at Wu Qianqing, and cried, “I will kill him to avenge my mother.”

Wu Ruo grabbed his wrist, “isn’t it better to know the truth before you kill someone?”

The young man stared at Wu Ruo with a great pain in his eyes, “what else do we need to know?”

Wu Ruo said calmly, “if we don’t question the suspect, what’s use of having judges in the country? And if you are going to kill anyone who is accused as the murderer, would you kill Assistant Zheng because I tell you he is the murderer?”

“Bullshit.” Assistant Zheng shouted, “how can I kill her ladyship?”

“It’s just a metaphor.” Wu Ruo glanced at him.

The young man roared, pointing at the men in black, “they all said that he killed my mother. And who on earth are you? Why are you stopping me from killing him?”

“He is his son.” Assistant Zheng said angrily.

“So you are the bastard’s son!” the young man’s anger soared and raised the sword at Wu Ruo.

Right at the moment, a soldier shouted, “Madam is here.”