Novel - Comeback of the Abandoned Wife

Chapter 183

Later Wu and Wu Qianqing drove to the outside of the city with several guards. Wu Bufang, Shao Shuyuan and Wu Yu, together with five elders had already been waiting there for a while.

They were upset to see Wu Ruo and Wu Qianqing.

Wu Qianqing went forward to greet them as he usually did. But unlike before, he was no longer close to them. After the greeting, he and Wu Ruo stepped aside and wait there.

Wu Bufang and Yao Shuyuan kept looking over at them as though they were trying to explain what happened on the State Master’s birthday banquet. But finally they never did because they were too proud to apologize.

About half an hour later, over a thousand of carriages teemed toward the gate of Imperial City.

Yao Shuyuan recognized a few guards and shouted excitedly, “look. It’s them. They are coming.”

Wu Bufang and Wu Yu were very excited and trotted forward.

The leading guard went pass Wu Bufang and stopped the carriage right before Wu Ruo, “greetings, my lady.”

“How is everything going?” Wu Ruo asked.

“We were attacked by a few bandits but we tackled them.” The guard said with a contempt when he mentioned the bandits.

Wu Ruo knew the bandits he was referring to, “as long as you are safe.”

Wu Bufang went to check one carriage as the fleet stopped. Inside the carriage were his oldest son and daughter-in-law. He said excitedly, “Xuanyun.”

Wu Xuanyun, who was lying in the carriage because of the severe pain, opened his eyes slowly at the sound. As he saw his parents, his eyes were full of tears, “mom, dad.”

He got out of the blanket and crawled out of the carriage so excitedly that he found someone he could rely on.

The others looked out of window of the carriage as they heard Wu Bufang’s voice, and when they saw Wu Bufang, their eyes sparkled brightly.




“Great grandmother.”


Wu Bufang’s eyes were watering as his family were still alive, “all is well as long as you are fine.”

Wu Ruo came over and said, “Great grandfather, let’s settle them down first and catch up later. We are now at the gate of the city, blocking the way out and in. Citizens might have a problem with us.”

Wu Qiantong in the carriage behind was pissed off as he saw Wu Ruo and Wu Qianqing standing there safe and sound, “Wu Ruo, who the hell are you to tell us where we should be?”

“Who the hell am I?” Wu Ruo sneered, “if it were not for me saving you, do you think you can live by now? If it were not for me sending you here, do you think you can make it here? Think before you speak.”

“Bullshit.” Wu Qiantong didn’t believe him, “who do you think you are to save us?”

Wu Ruo raised his eyebrow, “if it was not me, who else did save you and send you here?”

“Grandfather, of course.”

Wu Bufang was embarrassed.

Wu Ruo sneered, “then you should ask him if it was him.”

Elder Rong who came long with Wu Bufang said, “master Qiantong from the South Courtyard, stop now. If it were not for master Wu Ruo, you would have died long time ago. And he arranged guards to escort you here. If it were not for him, you wouldn’t have a place to stay in the city.”

“Can’t we stay at grandfather’s house?” Wu Qiantong argued angrily.

Elder Rong frowned, “you should know every inch of the floor costs a fortune here in the city. And you might not buy a house even if you have money, not to mention a big mansion for the entire family. It took chief a long time to buy a house a couple of days ago. And he paid a lot of money for a house half size the South Courtyard. It is only big enough for us and the chief, no more room for others.”

“Can grandfather build a big house outside the city?”

Wu Bufang said seriously, “do you think it’s that easy to buy a property in the Imperial City? Or is it that easy to build a house? And I can control it? Wu Qiantong, this is not Gaoling City. Watch your language. Anyone here can kill you at ease.”

“…” Wu Qiantong.

Wu Ruo glanced at Wu Qiantong, “if you don’t want to go with us, get out and go find someone else to send you back to Gaoling city. I have done whatever I can.”

“You…” Wu Qiantong roared.

Wu Yu who had been silent all the time stopped Wu Qiantong, “uncle, Ruo has already applied for an imperial decree for you staying in Wu family in the imperial city. And the state master has guaranteed that he will take you in until you are recovered.”

“Really?” Everyone got excited.

They had taken almost every piece of medicine they had since they were wounded, but they didn’t get better. They even started to lose hope of getting healed in the life. But to their surprises, the state master was willing to take care of them.

“It’s true. I have the imperial decree.” Wu Ruo said.

“…” Wu Yu.

So the imperial decree was true.

Everyone cheered.