NO.8 Bride

Chapter 26

Ye Rumeng despairingly said: "if you dare to force me, I will die to show you. I will do what I say!"

"You are the first person who dares to hit me," he said

"You forced me. If you force me again, I will kill you." Ye Rumeng said with self calmness.

In fact, she was afraid of him.

Not only his identity and power, but also his physique and momentum make people feel oppressed.

If he had to do something to her, she had no room for resistance.

If she's smart enough, she'll know how to obey him, not to annoy him.

But she really didn't want to

Night release Tian Sen cold smile: "I see you are your honor."

"I don't need this honor, I'd rather die!" Ye Rumeng said no.

She decided to go all out, as long as he came really, she would commit suicide again!


Night release day gloomy stare at her, after a while he suddenly turned away, and did not continue to embarrass her.

The door slammed shut, leaf like dream body a soft, dispirited kneeling on the ground.

Fortunately, he didn't do anything to her


Ye Anqi took the last sip of mung bean soup and belched.

After a day of mung bean soup, she was going to vomit.

It's all damned night.

Just thinking about it, the door of the bedroom was suddenly opened, and yeshitian came in --

Ye Anqi opened her eyes and said, "how did you get in?"

She clearly locked the door.

Night release day slightly raised his head, exposed the wound on the forehead, the wound has not healed, the color is bright red.

Ye Anqi was stunned for a moment, and then asked with a smile: "little night, my door, are you banging open with your head?"

Yeshitian's face was gloomy and expressionless.

He went to the bedside and sat down. He told her coldly, "bring me the medicine box and deal with it."

Ye Anqi lay motionless. "I won't deal with it."

Night release day bleak look at her, "don't challenge my patience."

Ye Anqi just doesn't want him to be happy, "I really can't deal with the wound. What if I can't handle it well and leave you a scar? "

"I'll give you a minute." The night releases the deep threat of the sky.

Ye Anqi scolded secretly and got up to get the medicine box outside.

She brought in a medicine box, put it on the bed and opened it. "What do you want to do with it?"

"Wash with alcohol first." At night, heaven opens his mouth.

Ye Anqi took out medical alcohol and wet the cotton swab and pressed it on his wound. Her strength is a little heavy, coupled with the stimulation of alcohol, night release day felt a tingling pain.

However, he did not frown, just a pair of black eyes looking at Ye Anqi.

His eyes were so frightening that she could not help but relax.

He cleaned his wound, wiped the lotion, and then put gauze on him.

"Deal with it. Can you go out now? I want to have a rest." Ye Anqi said lightly.

Yeshitian pulls down her body and she falls on the bed.

He raised her left hand and tore the handkerchief from her arm.

Ye Anqi's wound was not properly treated, and the wound was more festering. And the wound is not completely scarred, there is still a trace of blood out.

"You didn't deal with it." At night, the sky was gloomy.

Ye Anqi felt that he was insane. "It's not thanks to you. Don't pretend to be in front of me."

"You are my man, and you can only bear what I do to you. But you can't treat my things casually. "