Ninjas of Niman City

Chapter 182

"Although I\'m just a detective, you don\'t want to fool me. If a scandal breaks out in an enterprise, the enterprise will basically be over. At that time, all aspects will be re examined. Moreover, the people will be disappointed with the enterprise. Even if you buy these enterprises, you will lose money." the service department glanced at Lin Feng obliquely.

"So, you can only be detectives. There is still a lot of room for operation. At that time, I will screen again to see which enterprise can come back from the dead. I will buy which one at that time. As for those enterprises that can\'t be saved, just ignore them." Lin Feng shrugged and said. Of course, Lin Feng can\'t tell them both, It\'s just to give Zhuji a muscle.

The three of them soon took a taxi back to the hotel, and then explained the things here to yueshui Qixiao, so that they could rest assured. After all, she was still invited by yueshui Qixiao this time, so she had to rest assured.

"Thank you so much this time. If it weren\'t for your help, Chanel would be in trouble." yueshui Qixiao said gratefully.

"Thank you, otherwise I\'m afraid I don\'t know what to do. At that time, I jumped into the sea, so I can finish it." Shuikou xiangnai was also relieved, and now I can finally rest assured.

"It\'s just what I can do. Otherwise, I can\'t help." Lin Feng shrugged and said.

"We didn\'t help much this time. The main thing is that the yueshui detective is more powerful." Nobu Pingci\'s rare modesty.

"You\'re welcome. Thank you so much this time." yueshui Qixiao smiled and said.

"By the way, after this, the Nakamura family is finished, and miss Shuikou\'s work may be gone. I don\'t know what plans to make next?" Lin Feng asked.

"I, I haven\'t thought about it yet. Now I\'m very confused and don\'t know what to do." Shuikou xiangnai shook her head and said. Obviously, it was a great blow to her.

"If Miss Shuikou doesn\'t mind, my family just needs a maid to take care of it," Lin Feng said.

"Don\'t you have meinaizi and meijiazi at home? Why do you have to find a maid?" said ash yuanai, who didn\'t speak.

"Because the two of them are about to leave. They have told me about this before. However, I haven\'t found a suitable candidate, so they will wait all the time." Lin Feng said helplessly.

"Xiangnai, if you haven\'t thought about where to go, it\'s also a good place to go to Lin Feng, which is relatively safe." yueshui Qixiao thought about it and advised a few words.

"I\'ll think about it for a few days. After all, I hope I can think about it." Shuikou xiangnai hesitated.

"All right, just call me when you figure it out, or go straight to yueshui detective to know where my home is." Lin Feng nodded without forcing.

In fact, Lin Feng has been worrying about the maid these days. Meijiazi sisters want to return to the spiritual world to practice after learning that Gouzi has awakened, but they have been delayed because they are worried that Lin Feng has no one to take care of her.

Lin Feng chose Shuikou xiangnai because he felt that this woman was at least a little reliable. On the one hand, she had a relationship with the seven effective effects of water. On the other hand, this time it was also a life-saving grace for Shuikou xiangnai. Therefore, such people were more relieved to use it.

However, since people say they need to think about it, they should think of other ways. There is not only one person in the world who wants to be a maid.

After chatting in their room for a while, Lin Feng and his party went to dinner. After all, it was getting late. After that, they went back to their room to have a rest.

"You two are really tired. You don\'t sleep for a day, and you have to take me to fight the landlord?" Lin Feng looked at the excited Conan kimono Department silently and said Pingci.

"What\'s the matter? It\'s still early. We can play for a while and then sleep in time, and we won\'t be in a hurry to go back tomorrow." the clothing department waved his hand and said.

"Yes, yes!" Conan nodded.

"I can\'t help you!" Lin Feng finally compromised.

Early the next morning, Lin Feng and others took Shuikou xiangnai to the police station. There was no way. She was still the observation target of the police and could not leave at will. Although it was confirmed that the case had nothing to do with her, she still needed to go to the police station to take notes.

However, when they arrived at the police station, they found that the whole police station was busy. Moreover, they looked very nervous and didn\'t know what had happened.

"Why are these policemen so nervous?" Nobu asked curiously.

"I guess it must have been yesterday," Conan thought and said.

"This is also a matter of no way. No matter which police station encounters such a thing, it will be very headache?" Lin Feng shrugged and said.

"That\'s right. Although such bad things are not common, they will also happen. However, every time such things happen, someone will eventually have a headache." Nobu thought for a while and said.

"Yes, we\'d better hurry up and go after finishing the work, otherwise it\'s bad to be accused of obstructing official business." Lin Feng shrugged.

In fact, the problem of Shuikou xiangnai has been basically solved now. It\'s no problem to take a confession here. Therefore, Lin Feng and them soon finished their work and left.

"Lin Feng, don\'t you find that this child Conan is very special?" Yue Shui Qixiao whispered as he pulled Lin Feng at the station to see him off.

"Special? What do you mean?" Lin Feng glanced at Conan, who was preparing to get on the bus there.

"That is, how to say, I feel that this child is not like a child at all, but like an adult. His thinking is very active, and sometimes his view is more professional than us, which makes me have to doubt that this child is not so simple." Yue shuiqixiao thought for a moment and explained.

"Really? This kid follows uncle Maori all day. Maybe it\'s influenced by Uncle Maori. Besides, don\'t you see the service department? That guy doesn\'t know what he has taught the kid all day. However, recently, they have cultivated a very keen observation." Lin Feng pretended to hesitate for a while and said.