Nine Revolutions Primal Chaos Art

Chapter 65

The snake looked at Xiao Lingyu with great gratitude and rubbed his head against Xiao Lingyu\'s cheek, as if to show his loyalty.

Then, Xiao Lingyu tore the forbidden system on another jade box with the silver moon breaking knife, but as soon as the forbidden system was opened, a bone penetrating chill came out, which frozen the defense arranged by Xiao Lingyu and the snake in an instant.

This is nothing. At this time, the Star chaser, who was flying at high speed, suddenly stopped.

Whoa, whoa!

Xiao Lingyu, the big snake and the shield released by the Star chaser were all strong and broken one after another like beaten thin ice.

Fortunately, when the cold was about to invade Xiao Lingyu\'s body, the chaotic Yuanying in the Dantian waved the Phoenix plume in his hand. A hot fire wave melted the ice through Xiao Lingyu\'s body and wrapped the jade box.

Xiao Lingyu\'s mind moved, and the Phoenix plume appeared in his hand.

The things contained in the frosted jade box must not be able to deal with the big snake, so Xiao Lingyu put the big snake away. At this time, the burning of the fire has burned the jade box into fly ash, revealing a snow-white ball.

Xiao Lingyu knew that this snow-white Pearl was the treasure of the Dragon subduing Valley and the goal of Jiyun Baozhai.

It can make Jiyun Baozhai think hard to get it. He doesn\'t hesitate to take risks to annoy the three robbers and loose immortals, and even take the fairy weapon as the bait. It can be seen that the value of this snow-white ball.

It must be a fairy product, and it\'s not middle-class.

Xiao Lingyu didn\'t know about the ball before, but he knew the plan of Jiyun Baozhai. Ping\'er and others would never think that Xiao Lingyu would turn back to play the role of yellow finch. In their opinion, even if Xiao Lingyu was not killed by the three robbers, he could only run for his life.

If Jiyun Baozhai hadn\'t finally been unfaithful to Xiao Lingyu and had the intention of calculating Xiao Lingyu, would Xiao Lingyu turn around and see if there was a bargain to pick up?

When the matter comes out, Xiao Lingyu and Jiyun Baozhai must legally maintain a friendly cooperative relationship. Experts in Jiyun Baozhai are bound to come after him, and they will not be willing to make wedding clothes for others at any cost.

However, the vast cultivation world and the vast Xingyu. If Xiao Lingyu hides wholeheartedly, it\'s not easy for Jiyun Baozhai to find him. Even if they have a strong background covering the whole cultivation world, they need very good luck to find Xiao Lingyu.

Xiao Lingyu just needs to find a planet to hide without going to those Xiuzhen continents. No one can find him.

As for the earth man who has no accomplishments, he is no longer of great use to Xiao Lingyu, because he knows very little, not even as much as Xiao Lingyu knows.

However, if the matter angered the master of Jiyun Baozhai and implicated the earth man, Xiao Lingyu was really a little guilty.

"What kind of bead is this, so cold and burn resistant?"

Xiao Lingyu looked at the snow-white ball wrapped by the fire in front of him, and his heart was full of doubts.

"From the outside, it should be a magic weapon. I\'ll try to recognize the Lord first."

Xiao Lingyu thought so and did so. Then he bit his finger and dropped a drop of blood essence on the snow-white bead.

The fire automatically made a gap for Xiao Lingyu\'s blood essence. After the blood essence dripped into the snow-white bead, it immediately disappeared into it.

"It seems to be a magic weapon to absorb blood essence!"

Xiao Lingyu is very happy. He has another such immortal treasure. He will have greater self-protection ability when walking in the cultivation world in the future.

What he never thought of was that the snow-white ball could not shake after absorbing his blood essence, and every time it shook, the silk threads that looked closely together would loosen, and thin snow-white lines would spread out of the fire like thin tentacles.

Xiao Lingyu didn\'t know why, so he was very nervous. He contacted Phoenix Lingyu with his mind and increased the intensity of burning the fire.

It\'s really useful to do so. The tentacles released by the ball can\'t extend out of the flame mass.

After about a cup of tea, all the tentacles of the ball loosened, but an inch long little insect covered with snow white came out.

The unknown number of snow-white tentacles grew densely all over the body of the little insect.

"Ice silkworm?"

Xiao Lingyu frowned and whispered strangely.

Xiao Lingyu\'s drop of blood essence was right at the mouth of the little bug, and the little bug was sniffing it. It seemed that he wanted to see how it tasted, and then he considered whether to take a bite.

"It\'s not a magic weapon, but a living creature!"

Xiao Lingyu\'s expression was even more wonderful after he felt the strong breath of life on the little bug.

After sniffing for a moment, the little bug slowly swallowed Xiao Lingyu\'s drop of blood essence full of chaotic energy he cultivated. It was because there was chaotic energy in the drop of blood essence that the little bug chose to swallow it.

Ice soul Tianchan is not an ordinary creature, but a powerful beast with very noble blood. At the same time, it is also very rare in the cultivation world. Although the Dragon subduing Valley is lucky to get it, it has never been able to make it recognize the Lord, so it wants to refine it with the dragon ball of the divine beast fire dragon.

Bingpu Tianchan is definitely not weaker than the real dragon in blood. However, this bingpu Tianchan had not broken its cocoon when it was discovered by the ancestor of the Dragon subduing valley. After breaking its cocoon, although it did not recognize the ancestor of the Dragon subduing Valley, it was very kind to him because it was the first person I saw at birth, so I would make some efforts for him in a short time.

It is precisely because of the help of ice soul Tianchan that the ancestor of dragon subduing valley was able to kill the real dragon in the fit stage.

The real dragon\'s divine beast breath can suppress the ice soul silkworm that has just broken its cocoon, and the fire dragon is quite opposite to the ice soul silkworm in attributes. Therefore, the ancestor of dragon subduing Valley thought of such a method to refine the ice soul silkworm.

The monks of dragon subduing valley look very proud and self-esteem, but their cultivation methods and systems are similar to those of other sects in the cultivation world.

Bing soul Tianchan, a creature more delicate than the real dragon, will not casually recognize people as the main body. Xiao Lingyu, who practices the nine turn chaotic formula, is a special case in the cultivation world. His cultivation method is the supreme Scripture. The chaotic energy he cultivates is also the source energy of the universe, which is much higher than the divine power. It is reasonable that Bing soul Tianchan will recognize him as the main body.

But Xiao Lingyu didn\'t know this, so he thought it was better to travel by himself.

After swallowing Xiao Lingyu\'s blood essence, Bingling Tianchan didn\'t immediately have a mental connection with Xiao Lingyu, but stretched out a small pink tongue and licked it around his mouth, just like a baby who didn\'t have enough to eat.

"Little cute, you still want to eat, don\'t be polite to me. Your master is a very generous person."

Xiao Lingyu liked this little worm that seemed to him to be an ice silkworm very much, and then squeezed out a few drops of blood essence from his fingertips.

Ice soul Tianchan has been refined by the fire dragon ball for many years, and it has reached the stage that it is almost unbearable. It is physically and mentally exhausted and very weak. It needs to feed with what it likes. Naturally, it swallowed Xiao Lingyu\'s blood essence impolitely, and it still looks like it is not satisfied with its desire.

Friar\'s blood essence is not only the energy carrier second only to the Dantian energy center, but also the carrier of Friar\'s life essence. If a friar loses too much blood essence, his life will be exhausted and his skill will fall, or his life will be exhausted. In addition, Xiao Lingyu is worried about what will happen to him after feeding him, Therefore, after consuming one-third of the blood essence stored in his body, he dared not be generous.

After a while, the ice soul silkworm had no blood essence to eat, so it slowly put away those thin wire like tentacles, but its whole body was sometimes shining with blood, sometimes white, and sometimes red and blue chaotic brilliance