Nine Revolutions Primal Chaos Art

Chapter 569

Those fast-moving streamers are composed of stars of different sizes, but some streamers are not stars or meteorites, but treasures.

Some of these treasures have no packaging, others are packed in jade boxes or bottles, and they also fly at extreme speed in a circular track.

At the center of the nebula, there is a space like a vortex. Xiao Lingyu estimates that the black hole is the only way to leave here.

Although the exit has been found, it is not easy to get close to that exit.

After waiting outside the nebula for a while, Xiao Lingyu took a deep breath and plunged into the nebula.

To Xiao Lingyu\'s surprise, as soon as he and the Eight Legged monster entered the scope shrouded in the nebula, there was a powerful force acting on him, as if they wanted to pull themselves around.

When Xiao Lingyu let go of the resistance, he galloped with the Eight Legged monster at a high speed, and also moved forward in a circular track.

Then Xiao Lingyu stabilized himself, and then advanced a distance deeper into the nebula. In the process, the strong pull still acted on him.

When Xiao Lingyu and the Eight Legged monster went deep into the nebula for nearly a million miles, he couldn\'t resist the pull from where he didn\'t know, and his body couldn\'t be controlled by himself. He couldn\'t stop his body from flying together with those planets or magic weapons.

Those three powerful men also went deep into the nebula. Finally, like Xiao Lingyu, they couldn\'t control their body and could only fly in circles with that strong pull.

This nebula is extremely vast, and Xiao Lingyu and others are still at the periphery of the nebula. It takes them nearly a thousand years to fly around, and after a circle, they will approach the depth of the nebula for a distance.

In the process of their involuntary flight, they can occasionally encounter some treasures, and they can easily put them away, but it is still difficult to collect them.

Under such circumstances, the strong in the three realms naturally could not gather together all the time. They were gradually dispersed, and they could no longer pursue and kill Xiao Lingyu.

The closer it is to the central position of the nebula, the faster the speed of those streamers will be. The stronger the pulling force on friars such as Xiao Lingyu, and the pulling force will also accelerate their speed.

Even if they don\'t encounter those planets or meteorites, the monks\' bodies can\'t bear it, especially those with low physical quality. If they don\'t defend with high-quality artifacts, their bodies will certainly be consumed into ash.

Fortunately, while being pulled to fly, the strong men of the three worlds can also try to collect the treasures near their bodies. We can\'t chase Xiao Lingyu anymore. We can only turn our attention to those treasures.

However, when the body is not under their control, even if the treasure moves side by side with themselves, it is difficult for monks to hold the treasure in their hands, because those treasures are also subject to a strong pull. If monks want to get the treasure, they must be able to resist those pull in a short time.

At the periphery of this nebula, the venerable strong can actually stabilize their body in a short time, but once they stabilize their body, they are likely to be hit by the rapidly flying stars or meteorites behind them. Therefore, before stabilizing their body, they need to see if their back is safe, and then they can consider taking treasure.

Even carefully, after a strong man grabbed the treasure with an artifact or his palm, he just forcibly stabilized his body and was ready to put it away. He was hit by a meteorite flying from behind, ranging from serious injury to immediate collapse.

When we realized the danger of streamer domain, we didn\'t dare to act rashly. Even if the treasure is currently, it\'s just greedy in silence.

Xiao Lingyu didn\'t have much scruples. As long as he had treasures around him, he would collect them. As for the danger behind, he left it to the Eight Legged monster to resist.

In this streamer area, although the Eight Legged monster is also affected by the pull, which makes it fly at a high speed with Xiao Lingyu, it seems to be far less affected than Xiao Lingyu, and it is not afraid of being hit by those stars or meteorites.

With Eight Legged monsters behind him, Xiao Lingyu could easily take treasures. He caught them one by one, and then fell into his storage magic weapon.

The streamer area is vast. Before entering, Xiao Lingyu looked around. He simply can\'t judge how many treasures there are in it. If all the treasures here are moved out, his wealth will be envied by any big or small forces in the three worlds. It can even be said that the total number of treasures here is many times more than the total number of treasures owned by the three worlds.

It takes nearly a thousand years to fly around, and Xiao Lingyu can get at least seven or eight treasures in each circle, but he is still very far away from the center of the nebula, and each circle can only go tens of thousands of miles deep. At this speed, Xiao Lingyu estimates that it will take at least a million years to reach the vortex in the center of the nebula, The premise is that he can stick to it.

The deeper into the nebula, the stronger the pulling force on the body and the faster the forward speed, which will continuously strengthen the friction between the body and space. Even though Xiao Lingyu has a body comparable to an artifact, he also has an artifact to defend. I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to stick to the most central position.

However, if even Xiao Lingyu can\'t carry it, how many of the three strong men behind can stick to it?

While speeding with all his strength, Xiao Lingyu\'s skill is gradually recovering, and the injuries of the three women and food in the Shenfu are gradually getting better with the help of Shendan.

In this way, after nearly 200000 years of flying in the dead and gorgeous star sea, Xiao Lingyu was still two-thirds away from the space black hole in the center of the nebula. Finally, he felt that his body was a little overwhelmed.

However, in the past 200000 years, his kung fu had already recovered, and he refined several high-quality artifacts he had previously obtained. At this time, his body could not bear it, so he sacrificed those artifacts for protection.

In fact, the other three strongmen could not hold on for a long time, but they also got a lot of treasures, including high-quality defense artifacts. Although it is more and more dangerous, we can continue to hold on with the power of artifacts.

Another 200000 years later, Xiao Lingyu was only one-third away from the space black hole in the center of the nebula, but at this time, the best defense artifact he had was constantly damaged in the friction with space, which made him realize that the real danger was coming.

The best defense artifact Xiao Lingyu got before was a top-grade artifact, that is to say, he must have at least one top-grade defense artifact to finish the rest of the journey.

But Xiao Lingyu didn\'t get the best defense artifact in the hundreds of thousands of miles ahead, and none of them had the best defense artifact. How can we stick to the journey behind?

Seeing that the top-grade defense artifact protecting himself was damaged more and more seriously, it seemed that it could be broken at any time. Xiao Lingyu was worried.

If you can\'t think of a good way, not only yourself, but also the three women in the Shenfu, old Peng and food goods will fall with you.

What depressed Xiao Lingyu most was that the strong men in the three realms should have been more anxious than themselves, but at this time, most of them gathered together again. Under the protection of the golden bowl shaped best defense artifact and the golden ball of the Dragon Emperor, there was no danger at all.

The golden orb of the Dragon Emperor is actually the inheritance treasure of the dragon family. It is a top defense artifact.

After entering the nebula, these three powerful men were gradually dispersed, but after all, they came in almost at the same time, and the distance between them was not very far. Moreover, after realizing the danger, they spent hundreds of thousands of years, using all kinds of magical powers or treasures, they can naturally gather again.